Saturday, July 18, 2009

my decision to apply to graduate school.

My decision to apply to graduate school was made quite simply. Somewhat simply. Alright, not that simply but it was a very simple statement that got me off my ass. I took two years off between college and my master's -- long story, will tell it some other time -- and every month from the time I graduated college to applying to grad school, I emailed this one professor (my Unofficial Advisor) repeatedly for advice. The exchanges went like this:

Me: I wanna go to grad school but I'm afraid of applying! Help!
UA: You should apply! You'd be great!

Me: I wanna go to grad school but I'm afraid of applying! Help!
UA: Oh, you've got nothing to be afraid of. You'll be great!

Me: I wanna go to grad school but I'm afraid of applying! Help!
UA: Don't worry so much. You'll be great!

And so on and so forth every month until the following July:
Me: I wanna go to grad school but I'm afraid of applying! Help!
UA: Seriously, apply this year.

Me: I wanna go to grad school but I'm afraid of applying! Help!
UA: Just suck it up and apply!!
[Her words. I still have the email somewhere.] based on that sage advice, I decided to apply.

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