Friday, October 9, 2009

Yet another China Glaze glitter: Luna

China Glaze Luna
Highly reflective light blue foil with embedded holo hexagonal and small silver glitter. It's nothing if not almost painfully sparkly. Three coats, strangely hard to get rid of VNL. I know the texture is supposed to be rough but something about this polish rubs me the wrong way even though I have nothing else like it. It just looks so... shredded, sheer and uneven, especially along the edge of the nail.

Close-up of Luna

Video of Luna
It's seriously blingy.

Anyway, meeting with the advisor today. I wish I weren't so constantly afraid of her. I like her so much and she's absolutely a fantastic mentor but I kind of lose all grasp of English around her.

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Lucy said...

You have to learn to control your nerves. She's only there to help you. Your a smart woman Flinty. Just take some deep breaths and relax. If you can't, wear Luna and dazzle her with the glitter. I love this stuff! I know your nails look jagged on the free edge. I still love it.

flinty said...

LOL, it's more like I'll blind her with the glitter. :D

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