L'Oreal High Tide, Ocean Breeze, Water's Edge. Mission accomplished! But then these jumped into my basket:

Wet n Wild Disturbia, dusty purple with pink shimmer.

Sinful Happy Ending, Rise and Shine (which has some lovely subtle shinmer going on) and Show Me the Way (which seems to have microflakies of some sort --they're bigger than shimmers and more irregularly shaped than glitters).

Sinful Innocent (somewhere between a neon yellow and a light green) and Let's Meet. I don't have high hopes for Let's Meet because I don't think Sinfuls are particularly good polishes and I know good yellows are hard to come by... but why not give it a shot?
Man, I am beyond exhausted right now. I wish I could go home and go to bed instead of heading back to campus
(for a class I'm NOT enjoying).
Before I sign off though, my iNOTD, Chanel Illusion d'Or over Wet n Wild Blackmail.

I've only had it layered over black and plan to play with it more soon. Right now, though, I dunno if I think this was a worthwhile purchase...
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I'm curious to see if that faux-north fork collection actually matches the real one! Comparison please :)
i can't wait to see the l'oreal polishes and the sinful ones too! i have been waiting on purchasing the l'oreal ones until i can see how they wear, ive never bought any polishes by l'oreal before.
and i haven't seen those sinful colors (the orange/yellow) ones in my walgreens yet.
Ahhh flinty you're killing me!!!!
I'm waiting for Illusion d'Or in a swap - I can't wait to throw it over anything and everything!
Also - so excited to see a comparison of the NF collex!
Nice spread of colors! I do have to say, I've seen illusion d'or swatched here and at thenailphile and...I just don't get it :/ I guess that's for the better- one less polish that I want!
I need those L'Oreal polishes! I haven't spotted the display yet, and I've been stalking the drugstores, haha.
Sinful Let's Meet is awesome when you layer a gold shimmer over it. I tried this with Sinful Paris over it and it was nice and blingy!
actually, sinful seems to have improved their formula-either that or i've been extremely lucky with the bottles that i own. i used to turn my nose at them because they are dirt cheap,but they have some great colors-e.g daddy girl,rich in heart.
I actually think Sinful are very good polishes. If it's cause they're dirt cheap, hey so is WnW and while neither are as good as say ChG or OPI etc. they're still well worth the $1/$2 they cost.
I can't wait to see if the L'oreal are dupes or not.
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