As you may have heard, the lovelies of PoP have graciously invited me to be a contributor to this incredible blog, and I can't be happier about it! I've been a fan of this blog and so many others out there for almost a year, so this is truly an honor and I can't wait to get to know all of you a little better.
To start it all off, please allow me to give you a little background. I'll keep it short and sweet: I am an art professor at a small liberal arts school nestled in the thick corn fields of the Midwest. It's the type of school where everyone knows everyone and I joke with my students about knowing their grades and who they are dating before they do. I'm also a sculptor, a wife, a daughter, an incredibly proud and enthusiastic aunt, a bunny-owner, a gym rat, a sushi fanatic, someone who loves a clean desk and a spoonful of chocolate frosting and, of course, an obsessive collector of All Things Polish.
Being a collector, picking out my first polish to review was nothing short of torturous... torture, I tell you! As far as my polishes go, I like them as varied as I like my books - I don't care what they are and who made them, as long as they stop me in my tracks and hold my attention. After much waffling (mmmm, waffles) back and forth, I landed on an old favorite - China Glaze Sexagon. It's silver, it's holo, and it can almost be blinding if you catch it in the right light. What's NOT to love?
Sexagon is part of China Glaze's Kaleidoscope Collection released in 2006, so sadly it can be a little harder to find.
Shown above are three coats of Sexagon with a thick coat of Seche Vite for shine and the ability to touch things quickly and not ruin my nails. Hooray for quick drying topcoats!
Happy day, all!
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Welcome dear!
extraH - I am so glad you've joined our blog!! I simply adore your writing style and I'm really looking forward to your future posts. I think its pretty sweet that we have a professor with us now too :) Symbolic that on the one year anniversary of PoP, we seem to be growing up a little! Welcome my new friend!!!
Thanks so much, ladies! I'm really looking forward to this new adventure with all of you as well!
You're the sweetest!
Welcome, welcome, welcome!! :D
So excited to read your first post. The Diva and I are officially part of your fan club!
Welcome! Can't wait to see more ;)
Welcome! What a funny first post ^.^ Mmm waffles... LOL now I want some!
Hello! Welcome to the blog. :) Glad to meet you!
Welcome to the blog, and what a great first post! But now I want waffles... :D
@flinty - Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
@hallmarkjunkie - You and the Diva are some of my faves, you know that!!! Hooray!
@Biba - Thanks so much, and thanks for reading!
@Jen - Thanks, and I hope you got your hands on some waffles... or french toast, at least! : )
@mKat - The same to you, sweets! Thanks!
@Zara - Two thumbs up for waffles! Thanks so much for the feedback, can't wait to see you around here more.
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