Friday, August 13, 2010

About a thousand pics of Orly Space Cadet (Cosmix FX collex)

I LOVE this polish. People around me love this polish. I have gotten so many compliments on this one. And I try to keep the number of swatch photos down (below ten anyway) but I feel like so many photos show different interesting facets of this beauty. So I'm posting, like, several dozen photos.

Orly Space Cadet (in sunshine)

Duochrome metallic. OMG. SO gorgeous. I can't even figure out how to describe it properly. It absolutely burns in the sun. It's this gorgeous dense duochrome shimmer (that is described as glass particles... but doesn't seem to be the China Glaze-esque glass-flecks) that shines magenta, gold, green and purple suspended in green jelly. Except there's more shimmer than jelly and I only noticed that it was a green jelly base when I looked at photo closeups. It did take four coats to become totally opaque but it was WORTH EVERY COAT. The primary shimmer that comes through in normal indoor lighting though is magenta, though there's always a little bit of green and gold flanking the edges. All the colors come out in the sun though depending on the angle of your fingernails: sometimes it looks like blackened metal and other times all the other colors come out to play!

It's like Orly bottled awesomeness.

Closeup of Orly Space Cadet (in sunlight)

Orly Space Cadet (in lightbox)

To show you how changeable it is depending on the light, I took a bunch of photos in the lightbox as well. Note: the lightbox does not simulate indoors lighting, it just shows what it would look like without the sun hitting it so hard, which made it look darker (as in the photos above). I have a couple of shots of the polish indoors, too...

Closeup of Orly Space Cadet (in lightbox)
The same nail at different angles.

Orly Space Cadet (indoors)

See what I mean by the magenta being more prominent indoors? (Sorry these are kinda blurry. Lighting inside my apartment -- without the lightbox -- is not great for photos.)

I just did a practice talk by myself in preparation for my talk on Monday. I've been rehearsing this all over the place: while pedaling on the recumbent bike with a PDF version of my PowerPoint, while washing dishes with my laptop a safe distance from me (with a paper towel over the keyboard), while standing up in my at home, while having a projected PowerPoint presentation in a room on campus. I'm going to do the talk with my labmate this afternoon for the last time, and then the next time I'll actually give the talk will be on Monday. I think I deserve the weekend off. :)


  1. Ohhhh I need this one !!!! Love it !!!

  2. Lotsa pics helps! Wow!

  3. I love all the pictures, they are really helpful! thank you :-)

  4. gah. I need this bottle of awesomeness so it can make me awesome!

  5. This is the only one I want! Haven't seen it around yet...

  6. I love this polish! Duochromes <3

  7. This is such a beautiful polish. I really need to get my hands on it asap!

    If you have time, please drop by my blog too :).

  8. This is so beautiful. I must buy this soon.

  9. I'm glad you all like it! I definitely love it. Well, I loved it more until it stained my nails a bright teal at least. :)

  10. This one just came back in stock on Transdesign so I snapped it up straight away! Cant wait to get it! :D
