Tuesday, August 31, 2010

NYC Flat Iron Green vs Milani One of a Kind

I have seriously been on a buy every dark green kick this whole summer! Don't know what has gotten into me, but I just have to buy every dark green I see. I was at CVS the other day and HAD to buy these two even though 1) they both look almost black 2) they really aren't anything special. I'm crazy, right? haha I think posting this entry will only prove that to be a fact even more.

Flat Iron Green is one of the new permanent NYC colors, and One of a Kind is part of the same display that Milani has Dressmaker in.

And even more proof...

L-R: One of a Kind, Flat Iron Green, One of a Kind, Flat Iron Green

That's not shimmer on my ring finger... I don't know what that is, looks like a smudge. They are pretty much identical. Both are super dark green cremes that look almost black, all the time. The only differences are in application and formula. One of a Kind took three coats to become opaque and not streaky, while Flat Iron Green only two coats. One of a Kind had a slightly more jelly like formula which probably why it took one more coat to get even. If you want to try one of these, I would definitely reccomend Flat Iron because it is cheaper, only $1.99 where as Milani is $4.49, is permanent, and application was easier! ALSO, these two remind me a lot of Sephora by OPI Dark Room that I also have.... And you know what makes me even crazier?? I absolutely HATE polishes that look black when they aren't black.......... hahaha I think I'm just on a hunt for a really nice super dark green creme that doesn't look black all the time.

Does anyone else have nail polish phases like I currently do?


  1. I was crazy about turquoise and blue this summer and now I'm over it. With summer nearing its end, I still have too many untrieds in that color family!

    My fascination with holos and glass flecks has lasted too long to be considered a phase. (How long is considered a phase anyway?) However, I am slowly easing into creams/cremes and I used to hate their flatness and lack of sparkle.

  2. Yes, I too have these mad color phases, and right now that color is baby/powder/sky blue! I have all the variations available on the market right now, and I still cannot wait for the one from the upcoming Chanel resort line.

    I think Dark Room has more blue in it, whereas Flat Iron Green and One of a Kind look like exact dupes of Finger Paints Tough Art to Follow, Zoya Envy and OPI Here Today... Aragon Tomorrow..

    My favorite formula is the FP by far!

    As for dark greens that still look green, have you tried any of the Nfu Ohs in the 560s range? Or Orly Enchanted Forest?

  3. Yes, right now my phase is holographic! I can't get enough! :)

  4. I'm in the foily phase! Love those darn polishes. I have to look for that Milani or NYC. I still wish they weren't so darn dark. I was and still am crazy about mint greens. I'm always praying MAC's Peppermint Patti will fall in my lap somehow. I was on a Lenten no-buy for the three months. I'll never give up polish for Lent again. Peppermint Patti came out two days before Lent was out. You know that it sold out before I could get to it.

  5. I also hate polishes that just look black in most light! I love my BB Couture Green Goblin, perfect formula and only looks black in very low lighting. You can see it on my blog. I'm still searching for a navy creme that doesn't look black most of the time!

  6. @Justine... cremes are GORGEOUS and can look so chic, I'm glad you're converting!! :)

    @faerieberry I do have those two polishes you mentioned, I'm looking for something with a jelly texture. I forget which Nfu Oh I have, but it looks black too :(

    @jackie I loooooove Holos!!! I never tire of them

    @Lucy aww I hope you can get MAC peppermint patti too, I don't have it, but there are many many dupes. Try to do a google search and I'm sure you'll find something close. I know it's not the same as getting the actual thing, but can't hurt?

    @Apri Ohh I'll have to check out Green Goblin. Thanks!! I'm also on a search for a navy creme that doesn't look black either. I'll let you know if I find anything or vice versa!

  7. Have you tried Illamasqua Rampage...it is the best dark green jelly I've come across. It is really vampy but still looks green in poor light.

  8. I don't really, although I was on a peach rampage during the Spring...I kind of still am, ahaha. But as what I do for almost-black polishes, I like adding a coat of glitter over them-like for a really dark green, I'll put on a coat of something like Sinful Colors Nail Junkie, and it looks a bit greener. I wish I had some non-glitter sheer polishes like that for when I feel like a creme, but it's doable for now =]

  9. Yeah, I go through phases too. Last Fall it was a browns & blues phase. Over the years I've had ones for dark blue shimmers, peaches, dark reds & burgundies and I bet several other colors.

  10. I'm dreaming about deep, dark, juicy, (glittery too)reds at the moment and am trying hard to refrain from ordering ORLY Star Spangled as I'm suspecting it's just another Ruby Pumps clone...

    Anyone got suggestions for me? :O
