Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Hunt For Red (By) October, Part 3

OK so it's not really a true RED RED but I am *in love* with this colour. Like head-over-heels I-can't-believe-it's-not-butter LOVE. I came upon this polish accidentally. Well, not completely accidentally...I found a duo pack of Essie A-List and this for $5 on Ulta clearance and initially bought it for A-List, which was a contender in my search for the perfect red. I figured that for $5 I got a bonus Essie polish to give away or swap? Lies. Meet my new love, Essie Bordeaux!

I took a million and two pictures of her, so here are the highlights!

Classic pose:

Claw pose, because the lighting was suddenly really good:

Was just relaxing reading the September issue of In Style and loved the way it looked against this black and white photo (Hahaha omg my fingers look so fat - its just the angle, I swear!!):

Bordeaux is so under-rated! I can't believe there isn't more hubbub about this one... It is a fantastic deep red/burgundy jelly with a hint of berry that never looks black, but never looks bright red either. The lasting power is incredible, it's intensely shiny, and goes with everything. I am so enamoured with this, it might just become my new signature colour!

I know it's not really a red red red...but I think it can count as my 'winter red'. What do you think? Is part of my hunt over?



  1. I LOVE deep red jellies. Essie makes the BEST red jellies ever.

  2. This is a nice one; looks very squishy. :)

  3. It is gorgeous. It reminds me a but of the new red from their fall collection...which I just ordered only because it was in a two-pack with one of the other polishes that I really wanted, haha. Maybe I'll love it.

    I'm curious though, is bordeaux one of those colors that's really difficult to get even? I have such a hard time with dark jellies because of that and always wind up needing so many coats to get an even color on my nails.

  4. OMGG! inmediatelly going to buy this, a red-burgundy jelly?? drooling, drooling.

  5. K2K!! This is so pretty! Brava!

  6. I love it! What a great colour! *adds to wishlist*

  7. If you love it and can't stop looking at your fingers, then it's the right color. :) I've felt that way about a couple colors. Such a wonderful feeling.

  8. Serendipity strikes. I just got this yesterday in a totally accidental way. Hope it looks half as good on me.

  9. Book it, done. It's perfect. :) Congrats.

  10. @Asami - You're so right! They have so many red jellies and they're just fab!

    @KarenD - Hehe it *is* squishy :)

    @Grace - Limited Addiction (the new red) is definitely lighter and more of a creme - quite similar to A-List. And with regards to Bordeaux - it wasn't one of those evil jellies that never gets even! Yay! The discrepancies you see are due to lighting :) Just trust me, its uniform! I think it was 3 coats?

    @SakuraBlossom - Yes!!!! Go buy it!!! You won't be sorry :) :)

    @Piff - *bows* Thank you!!

    @Alison - It's fab you'll love it, A!

    @Apriltini - It really is a magical feeling, and I think its the reason that I keep buying nail polish - I'm looking for the 'perfect' ones - and this is definitely one of them!

    @Sandi - Ah! How exciting :) And quite serendipitous. I'm sure its going to look great on you!

    @Karla - Yes ma'am! I'm calling it a winner :) The lighter reds are much harder!

