Friday, September 3, 2010

Introducing our newest Polish or Perish blogger...!

Let's just say that if I were her, my manis would NEVER have a gap like this:

MAC Earthly Harmony
OMG, look at that jagged, uneven gap. Even a little bit of nail polish seeping into my cuticles! (P.S. I love this polish. I'll post a real review of this one along with some other MAC Jin Soon-Nail Trend A/W '10 polishes soon.) Man, if only there was a tutorial I could easily access on how to clean up my manis with a paintbrush soaked in acetone...

Oh wait. There will be one right on this blog very soon!

That's right! The newest member of the Polish or Perish family is none other than MEGANCHAIR! :D

(Yes, Fuseki525 will be getting a free polish for guessing correctly! I'll be emailing you soon about that...)

Fans of MeganChair's old blog, Little Music Boxes, can sigh with relief. She's back and blogging with us now!

This was a totally unexpected development for all of us. After Megan poofed her blog on Wednesday night, citing burnout and stress, I impulsively invited her to do some less-stress blogging with our little posse. (Between the bunch of us, none of us have to worry that much about keeping up a super regular schedule.) To my surprise and happiness, she accepted! And we are all very excited to welcome her. In a way, I wonder why she hasn't been with us from the beginning... ah well, no use on dwelling on the past. From this day forward, she's one of us!

...and the MeganChair cleanup tutorial will be posted this weekend.

Have a great Labor Day weekend everyone!


  1. Yay I'm so glad for that! :D I love her blog so much and I hope she enjoys her time here!

  2. Oh, wonderful! Sounds like the perfect solution.

  3. Hooray for us! Sounds like a great way to both blog and avoid burnout. You ladies have a great blog going here & it's great to see Meganchair back on the nb and blogging!

  4. oh good she's a great addition to your already fab posse :)

  5. Oh, yay! I LOVE MeganChair and I was going to miss her blog terribly.

  6. Yay! Glad you were only gone for a little bit. :)

  7. Thanks guys! I'm super excited to be starting here at PoP. I think I'll fit in here perfectly.

  8. That. Is. Awesome!! And I'm so happy for her and you all! :D

  9. I'm excited! Little Music Boxes was one of my favorite blogs and while I'll still mourn it I'm glad MaganChair is going to post here! Whoohoo!

  10. Yayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayay!!!!!

  11. Oh I'm so glad. When I saw Little Music Boxes had gone I was worried.

    Yes I know I'm a stranger but whatever woohoo!

  12. this is great news! i love polish or perish already so i'm excited to see what meganchair brings to the blog!

  13. Wow it's like all the blogger stars reside here! I think this will be a perfect blog for her to join - you gals are all great. Sorry to see her burnout on her blog, I really enjoyed it, but I get it. Congrats everyone!

  14. Oh, Thank goodness! It's great another amazing blogger is joining the Polish or Perish group, and that MeganChair will still be bloggin! What a great solution for all! Thanks for letting us know the wonderful news.

  15. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I was so sad when LMB disappeared. More reason to stop in here everyday (like I don't anyhow).

  16. Yay, she's not leaving! *overjoyed excitement*

  17. Welcome, MeganChair!!!! As you can tell, EVERYONE is excited that you're around!!!!

  18. Great news. Welcome MeganChair. :)

  19. *claps with delight* Welcome to PoP, MeganChair!

  20. Thats great news! I was allready afraid I would never see Meganchair on a blog again, glad you joined this blog Megan!!

  21. Thats awesome - I was really sad to hear that her heart wasn't into it anymore - her photos are always fabulous.

  22. Megan is a perfect addition. Welcome to her.
