Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Essence Sun Dancer

Oh, yellow. You do make me happy.

Happy, yes, ecstatic, no... and I was really excited to be ecstatic.

Don't get me wrong, I love Essence polishes, and this is a decent one. The best way for me to describe this one is taxi yellow; not too bright, but you can't say this one is subtle at all. It went on like a dream, too - three coats and little to no streaking. If I was Konad-minded, I would totally checkerboard this one. Get it? Checkerboard? Like the taxi? Ah, I kill me.

I have this fear that I am flying through the Essence polishes too quickly! Come on, Essence, give me something to sink my teeth into! Anyone out there have some good Essence colors or similar brands to this one that I should try?

Happy day, all!


  1. This is such a great yellow and it looks great on you! You can rally tell the formula is good on this one.

  2. This does look like a taxi cab yellow. Looks really pretty on you. A checkerboard pattern would look fantastic on you.

  3. This is a great yellow! It makes me think of Nina Ultra Pro Like Butta, which I love.

  4. Essence Rock n Roll is a gorgeous silver foil, and Check Me Out is a super pretty spring green. I love Essesnce!!
