Saturday, June 4, 2011

Butter London Henley Regatta

Butter London Henley Regatta is a gorgeous blue/green sparse glitter. It does nothing fancy - no holo, no multi-size glitter, and it's only two colours - but it is stunning nonetheless and so sparkly it practically goes *ping!* when the light hits it. Behold:

This has many many pros:
  1. Just look at it! I spent ages twirling my hands and going 'ooh'.
  2. Dries faster than I can say 'where's my topcoat'
  3. Wears like iron (I took it off 8 days later with only tip wear)
  4. Totally smooth with one coat of Seche Vite - you wouldn't know you were wearing glitter.
On the other hand,
  1. Removal is a bitch, as you might expect
  2. It's sparse, so requires at least three coats. I popped it on over my existing mani (BL Thames, which itself is sheer) so I had 9 coats in all. My nails were about an inch thick.
  3. I failed my driving test while wearing it. (I blame the sparkliness for distracting me - definitely not my own fault for not indicating to move off, oh no).

Have another one for good measure. As an aside, the wear time is so awesome that I couldn't be bothered to take it off before the big conference I had to go to last week. So I rocked sparkly turquoise nails with my black suit in order to deliver a paper on public administration. The panel head said my nails were amazing (never mind the paper), so clearly a good choice if it took her attention off how nervous I was!

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The Phalanges Friend said...

*in Toy Story alien voice*
Oooooooooohhh. *_____*

P.S. Sorry about your driving test!! I bet you'll do better next time!

A Polished Touch said...

What a fantastic colour. Teal/turquoise is my favourite so this is definitely drool-worthy for me. :)

Laura said...

I think I neeeed this. I'll remember not to do any driving tests while wearing it. :)

Courtney said...

I LOVE Henley Regatta! Try one layer over black! It's to die for!!

Unknown said...

I love it!

Cali369 said...

Gorgeous - but sorry to hear about your driving test, better luck next time!

Anonymous said...

Ooo now THAT is stunning polish, love it :)

Olivia Frescura said...


Lucy said...

I have a few Butter London. Nice polishes. This shade is really pretty. Sorry you failed your drivers test. Next time wear a dull polish so you won't be distracted!

♥ Sarah Claire ♥ said...

That looks so awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely GORGEOUS!!! I started oooohing as soon as I saw the color and the close up is PHENOM!!!

Grace Thomas said...

Thank you for all the lovely comments - the polish truly deserves them, it is awesome! :D

Noir Lacquer said...

Woah! This is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

oh! what a gorgeous colour. i genuinely squeaked with joy when i scrolled down and saw the picture.

sorry about your driving test - none of the best drivers pass first time though!

L x

Kellie said...

Did you layer this over another polish? If so what was it? If not, how many coats did it take to be opaque? This is soooooo gorgeous. I could see layering this over Essie Trophy Wife.

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