Usually nude colours in any given collection are the least likely to be the most buzzed about. However, I think that the hands-down favourite for me (and many many others judging by how this was sold out everywhere!) of Essie's spring collection was Topless & Barefoot. It is, quite simply put, the perfect pink nude.
Here it is with my rose gold Fossil watch! (I am a total watch fiend, if you haven't noticed yet...) My mother and I both got rose gold Fossil watches - in different styles - to commemorate something big that happened recently.

And a regular shot! (I'm learning diffused flash...)
Just - perfection. To me this is the ultimate blend of beige, pink and white. Brava, Essie!
What's your perfect pink-tinged nude?
Like this? Click below to let us know!
Wow, what a coincidence!! I just posted my perfect pink-tinged nude!! Mine is China Glaze Innocence. Technically, it's not a nude, but most people say my nails are naked when I wear it.
Ohhh,I love the polish, but I'm lovin the watch more! *swoon*
I had forgotten all about this polish. Shameful, since I wore it this spring and loved it! I'm trying so hard to get through my untried polishes, that sometimes I forget to re-wear ones like this that I really like. The formula's pretty good for an opaque pale nude, isn't it?
I found it in the wild at Walgreens and was all "I can pick this and few others up from an e-tailer". SOLD OUT! Bah.
It's gorgeous on you! I'm still trying to find it!
Very demure! I like it a lot! :)
I've actually been searching for this one and never could find it! It looks so great on you. =) And I absolutely adore that watch. My wedding ring is rose gold (I think I mentioned that before), and I really want a rose gold watch to match it!
Very pretty! I really like nudes but it's hard to find perfect ones, and I think I might have to pick this one up!
Oh, it looks lovely on you! I usually stay away from nudes because even the pink tinged ones pull white on me (thank you red hands), but I'll give this a try. It might just have enough pink in it to counter-balance that!
gorgeous watch and gorgeous polish!
Lovely!!! I'm hankering to know what the big event that you guys commemorated was though. *iz a nosy kitteh*
Can I just say i love your watch! This one if my favourite nude polishes too, although it looks completely different on you- it looks cream on me x
Beautiful! I'm currently wearing a FreshCover polish called 'Shy.' It's the perfect sheer pink color! And this Essie is gorgeous too :)
This shade is my hands down favourite nude polish (and I have quite a few!)
I love the hint of pink, it brightens it up just that little bit making it a touch more feminine.
Karen! I have been dying for this same exact watch recently!! I want it SO BAD and this is just making me want it even more, haha. It looks great, I can't wait to get it.
- Liz
I saw your post so I decided to pull out my bottle of Topless & Barefoot this weekend to try. I had been wanting to do so for awhile. I love this polish!!! So pretty and chic; I never want to take it off.
I wish this looked as nice on me as it does you!
@Poetic Realist - It must be in the air, eh? I find in summer, people look for a perfect nude, in winter, a perfect red! BTW Innocence looks fab on you!
@Trixie of Nailifiled - Hehe I love the watch too :)
@Grace - My untried number is blessedly low right now, and its great because I really get to enjoy my stash and polishes I already love! I thought the formula was great - Piff had issues though :(
@Anna - I know!! It was totally the "must-have" from the collection - it was sold out everywhere! Good luck finding it - I can highly recommend if they have it in stock.
@Serafina - Yes, demure is right! Glad you like it :) (Serafina as in Pekkala?)
@Noelie - You were my inspiration behind going for the watch!! I remember posting about it and you told me about your ring and I decided then and there I needed one. Lo and behold, my mother and I are the same person and she was lusting after a rose gold watch as well!
@Laura - It really seems easy, as there are so many on the market, but like you said finding the perfect ones is what is difficult.
@Varnish Vixen - I think it might have enough colour to it to work for you - let me know! Can't wait to see pics!
@Olivia Frescura - Thank you!
@Indoor Kitty - The big event was that my parents are building a house near where I live right now, and are going to retire here! (I however, am moving after I graduate...) And I love nosey kittehs :)
@LauraSummer - Thank you! I love my watch so much! I am very very very fair so most things look more intense on me than on others.
@Casey - Yay! Let's rock the pretty neutral pinky colours!
@Bailey - I couldn't have said it better myself :)
@deathbypolish - Ahhhh!!!! You *must* get it! I got it at Macy's with a coupon so it was a bit cheaper. Love love love!
@Cat Ray - That's how I felt when I wore it too - like i never wanted to take it off :)
@Alison - Aww friend - I think its because your skin is a little pinkier where mine is yellow? Fear not, you can rock blue-toned reds whereas they look like caca on me...
That is really pretty on you. I have to start writing down things like my perfect pinkie nude. I have a horrible memory. I found my perfect band-aid shade which is Revlon's Malted. I hope this polish we be available again. Hopefully it's not gone for good.
until recently, i bought mostly OPIs, but somehow i turned to essie. and suddenly found out that essie has the perfect shades for me!
i didn't try this shade, but for now my perfect nude is lyford lilac..
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