Maybe it's just the name, but this colour makes me think of fall - even though it's pale. Looking at it reminds me of those few precious weeks between the end beach season and the beginning of winter. Growing up in Holland this was a really serene time. Tourists would be long gone, and we would all go down to the beach and eat giant bowls of mussels by the sea. I love how the North Sea smells and how the beach feels in this season - especially when it feels like you have it all to yourself.
SpaRitual Driftwood...

A really lovely pale cream colour. Neutral, but not too girly. Soft, but not stark. Will definitely be a staple for me.
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Really love it. Looks great on you.
I super love this on you!! So glad to see you loving SpaRitual :)
This just looks so soothing! Reminds me the color you'd paint a baby's nursery - just an "aaaahhhhh" color.
I just picked up my first two SpaRituals, but I haven't tried either of them yet. They're just minis I picked up kind of haphazardly from a bin at a hotel spa, and in retrospect, not the colors I would have chosen had I thought more about it, but I'm curious to see how I like the formula.
Wow, that's a really nice color! It looks so soft ^^
Your descriptive sounds so wonderful that I can picture myself there. Wonderful. Love the polish on you. Now I want some mussels. I also want to hear that surf & feel the ocean breeze.
@susies1955 - Thank you, I'm glad you like it.
@Rach - I am definitely loving SpaRitual! I really like the shape of the bottle and how it feels in your hand (plus the colours and wear of course!)
@Grace - It is a soothing baby colour! :) It's funny...its soothing and pale without being "refreshing"...more "cozy". I guess that's why its a bit fall-ish to me. Which SRs did you buy?
@anniescolors - Hehe it does doesn't it?
@Francivusk - not really a giveaway person..thanks though!
@peace girl - Thanks!
@Lucy - Aww I'd love to go back there and take you with me! :) Sometimes when I order mussels at a restaurant and close my eyes it feels like I'm home.
Gorgeous! Is that a Warm & Fozzie thumb accent? :)
@Kitty - I bought Surreal (I don't know why I'm so drawn to blues in the bottle, I find them the hardest to wear) and Street Smart (which under the lights in the salon I could have sworn was a very dark green... it's actually just a black creme. fail.) I think I crumbled under the pressure of the salesgirls keeping such a close watch on me.
This is gorgeous, I love it and wish I could this brand in Switzerland.
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