I wore this once on my toes last winter with Party Hearty over the top and wasn't that wowed. Looking at it on my nails, I can only ask: HOW?! This polish is a total knock out! It's a slightly silvery, cool gold foil. SO sparkly. SO reflective. Just gorgeous!

It kind of changes colour with the light. Indoors, the creamy, silvery tones come out and it looks like a subtle, pale gold with high shine. I find the pastel tones of very reflective polishes often come out in low light, the same is true for the chromes I've reviewed. In the sun though, it turns into a total bling fest. Kapow!

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He's gorgeous!!
I love it!
I love this too, I think sometimes you have to re-visit polishes as tastes change from time to time and then go back!
OMG OMG! THAT'S IT! That's the ONE I've been looking for all these years! I need the perfect gold and so far I have not found it, but I think that might be it!
This layered with party hearty was my christmas mani last year, but it was 3 coats of ph, so I didn't see much of the base color. It is pretty on it's own.
It's so pretty! I love gold polishes, so great this time of year. Makes me think of the holidays.
lovely gold color
awesome polish!
gorgeous on you!
I have quite a few metallics. I need this one in my life. Looks gorgeous with your long nails!
I love how it almost glows in the last two pics. Seriously, I think this might just be the perfect gold! :-)
LOVE this polish and any golds that are dupes for this! Big fan of golds in general and it looks amazing on you
This is absolutely my favorite gold polish. It's the best combination of a true gold color and a good foil finish that I've found. I need to get a back up bottle of this and the corresponding silver, Cheers To You.
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