Thursday, November 22, 2012

Neon stripe tape mani

I'm a big fan of tape manis - they're such a great way to get perfect crisp geometric designs! I did a watercolour mani with neon colours a while ago (which comes with a rare tutorial), and before I took it off I created a striped pattern with striping tape, using a black creme (aka neon's BFF that keeps it from turning Barbie):

Excuse the cuticle flooding - annoyingly the new ulta3 brushes are stiff and unwieldy, and I did this before I realised that the old brush lids were compatible with the new bottles!

[Note: I am no longer involved in So Nailicious.]

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Rebecca Lane said...

Love this mani! Awesome colours :) following the magazine via bloglovin too ;)

Kathy said...

Don't have the patience to do this mani, but love seeing on others. I'm also following you nail e-magazine as well.

Monica at MP Beauty Insight said...

I agree with Kathy - No patience to do my nails with this design, but it is gorgeous!


Kerise said...

Loooooooooooove this!! It definately took patience and skill.

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