Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas! "Tree" Manicure :)

Merry Christmas!

I had no idea what I was going to do as my Christmas manicure, and decided red and green would probably work. I found a green glitter polish, Pahlish: Stroke of Luck but couldn't decide on how to incorporate red somehow. Then I remembered some random NOTDs on MUA that had some tree-like manicures and looked through my recently acquired indie polishes and saw Candy Lacquer: Fruit Squares and did a test layer and it was so cute!

Hopefully it reminds you of a Christmas tree :) with square ornaments, haha

It ended up being a very thick mani, but I like it :)

Merry Christmas again!

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Gosia said...

I love how colorful it is!!
Merr Christmas :)

Lucy said...

love this mani :)

beachgal said...

Great look - even if you think it's a tish thick still looks fine. I like the confetti polishes over green to create the 'ornaments' on the various tree manis I have seen - have I don't any of 'em this yr? Nope - but I have done one similar to this with ChG Emerald Sparkle and Deb Lip. Happy Birthday.

Katie said...

Very cute and colorful! Merry Christmas! =)

Jenn, Paperbacks and Polish said...

This really does remind me of a Christmas tree! Love it! Merry Christmas! :)

Monica at MP Beauty Insight said...

What a cool glitter! Love the Christmas tree inspired nails.


Unknown said...

It's beautiful, perfect for holidays :)

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