20% off butterLONDON.com, July 31st-August 4th, 2009: FF2009BL
25% off OCNailArt.com, now until August 31st, 2009: client1 (as usual, free shipping ANYWHERE for purchases over $20 after discounts).
I also discovered a great etailer: EZNails.com! Their polish offerings aren't the most compelling (besides offering LeChat Dare to Wear, which doesn't seem to be too popular elsewhere) but they have a lot of different nail art accessories on sale depending on the week and ridiculously quick shipping time. They shipped the same day I ordered! I saw their LeChat Dare to Wear Disco Tech glitter set on sale for $13.50 on Wednesday morning (alas, back to $18 now) and it was in front of my door Friday morning. Granted, I'm in Northern California and they're in Southern California... but STILL. It's as instant as gratification gets with etailers. Be sure to sign up for their newsletter before making your first purchase; they send out a $5-off coupon code as a welcoming present. :D
Just to provide incentive to check out LeChat polishes, lookit this closeup pic of the glitter in Dancing Shoes!

Look at how diverse and dense that glitter is! There's bar glitter, regular glitter, big hex glitter. So very glittery! This shot is of two coats of Dancing Shoes over a very thin (watery almost) coat of ChG Moody Blue. I will so be swatching these sometime in the very near future.
Also (and this is totally not exciting for anyone except for me, especially since I won't have pics up for a bit), I finally achieved a dupe of Lippmann Ruby Red Slippers using some LeChat hex glitter I got from EZNails.com. This might not seem like a huge deal to anyone else but I have been trying to dupe that polish for A VERY LONG TIME. I kept on getting flummoxed by the fact that a lot of red glitter -- even nail art glitter -- is easily stripped of its red coloring by the polish itself. I was just going to give up but I was on EZNails and a jar of LeChat red hex glitter was on sale for $1.25. I bought it, didn't expect much and tossed it aside into my frankenbox (which is being outgrown quite quickly). Then in a fit of sleepless curiosity, I decided to see if it'd work for a frankendupe... AND IT DID. It's not a precise dupe -- these things rarely are -- but it's red hex glitter, small red glitter in a dark black jelly base... and it looks HOT and I'm super happy that it's finally done. Now I can sleep! :P
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I cannot wait to see your ruby red slippers franken!
Kind of looks like there is a man w/ very poor posture walking in that glitter.
Am I the only one that sees it?
Yeah, I see the man in the glitter too.
Flinty, did you have problems with bottle pics. showing up on that website? I was going to order a few weeks ago but was disappointed because most of them wouldn't show up. And congrats on your franken!!
D: nope, I see it. :)
Jennifer: I didn't have any problems with bottle pics, no. :(
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