First, the NOTD as it was:

Yeah, if you want a severe opaque polish, ChG Moody Blue is not the way to do it. But if you like a watery (not even jelly, it's watery) blue, this is very soothing to look at. :)
It is, however, streaky until coat #3.
Now, for the matte topcoat comparison:

From left to right:
Index: Essie Matte About you, again, diffuses light more, makes it (again, pleasantly) chalkier and lightens the color.
Middle: Nubar V for Men, mattefies the color to a soft satin-chalk finish that doesn't change the color.
Ring: GLITTTTTTERRR!!! (non-matte)
Pinky: Orly Matte Top, satin finish and because topcoat is orange in color, it yellows the the blue into a light turquoise color.
For this watery pastel, I have to say that I enjoy Essie Matte About You more -- the lightened color suits the manicure, imo. It kind of makes it more than just a mattefied Moody Blue.
On the other hand, Orly Matte Top also makes it something that's not quite Moody Blue, but when I want to mattefy, I don't necessarily also want to yellow!
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I love Moody Blue, and I think it looks great matte too! That glitter is so pretty.
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