Saturday, January 9, 2010

iNOTD: Maybelline Hip Huggers with some nail art

I received this from an ultra generous NBer who knew I was lemming it. (I swear, NB karma works...)

It's actually a dusty purple shade and very pretty (and it applied like a charm). I'll get some proper daylight photos of it tomorrow. The flower decals are rub-on from the "That's It? Nail Art" brand. I dunno why I'm wanting to decorate my manis lately... so much so that I bought a set of 50 fimo canes off of eBay. 50?! What am I gonna do with 50? But they were so cute and were only $5 (and free ship). So... be ready to see some really corny, over the top stuff that I'll probably never wear out. :)

Back to reading papers for my social psych class. Required for my degree. I am dreading this class so much. The first paper I'm reading sounds like utter nonsense because of the way it's written. I'm sure it's making sense somewhere but any meaning is totally obscured by the dumbass, high falutin', low frequency crap that passes for academic writing. I think there's a time and place for most jargon... and this author has not chosen either well.

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Musicalhouses said...

I love that Maybelline! Looks pretty!

Paige said...

Very pretty!

Lucy said...

Pretty shade of polish. I can't wait to see what your going to do with all of those fimo canes.

My Chau said...

Beautiful shade! I wonder if I can find it here in Montreal :).

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous shade. If you get the nail art stuff in time, check out my gaudy nails contest :)

Cali369 said...

Mmmm - Hig huggers is gorgeous

flinty said...

Musicalhouses, gildedangel, lucy, mychau, cali369: thanks! :D I'm so glad I got it. I had been lemming this one bad.

Ange-Marie: LOL, I hope I get them in time for that!!

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