Honestly, I almost never wear this.. corals just aren't for me. And on top of that, neither is Essie. I know people love Essies, but for me I can't get them to apply well. Essie is the only brand that I haven't mastered. Almost all Essies take me three coats to get it even and opaque. I'm a two-coater kinda gal, I'm just too lazy to put on a third coat. Then at the end of this mani, I got lint in it.. sad :( That is what you see on my middle finger, those two bumps are LINT. I hate it when that happens!! I just don't have the patience to go back and do the nail again since I had to put three coats of polish on. The only Essie that I never have trouble with is Jelly Apple which is my HG red creme/jelly.
Does anyone else have a brand that they just can't get to work for them?? Any tips for me for using Essie?
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I loveee this colour, going on my to get list!! I am a bit of a coral lover tho!
Love corals :) And i think it is good on you :) Suitable color with your skin.. Our skin colors are so similar so that i know :)
By the way, here is my Essie california coral you can check it:
This looks great on you. *drools*
Adrienne thanks so much for posting this for me!! This is still officially a huge lemming for me!!! It looks like its perfect - not too orange and not too cornea searing...delicious. Even though you aren't a coral fan, I think this looks amazing on you! :)
@zuzu - thanks for those pics of CA coral!!
I think this looks great on you - you should wear it more
I find Essies apply in two coats for me. What I find helps is doing about medium coats. Don't do paper thin or thin coats but don't just glop it on. You want the coat to be not too thin or too thick.
Another thing to keep in mind in some people's nailbeds are just more pigmented than others. I have very pigmented lips, but not very pigmented nailbeds because I'm, like, freakishly vampire pale naturally. The best way I can describe the color is a very (very) light carnation pink. Most polishes take one or two coats with me. The occasional third doesn't bug me too much.
Another thing I've found is people with longer nailbeds require more coats of polish than those with shorter nailbeds (coughmecough). I have no idea why that is but it's something I've noticed.
And yes, I hate it when lint gets on my manicure! It drives me batsy!
If only I could look good in coral. Cool-toned vampires don't look good in coral. XDDDD
I hear ya Kate, I'm a cool-toned vampire too and corals look awful on me but it's such a pretty colour!
@ Alison--Maybe they need to invent a cool-toned pastel-y coral and vampire skin test it? Does such a thing as a pastel coral that doesn't look peach even exist? It's like the color salmon. It just does NOT look right on pale skin. It's like you're wearing a neon sign that says, "HUMANS BEWARE!!! VAMPIRE IN THOU MIST"
I love it! I never had an essie before, and the closet I got to coral s China glaze Japanese koi( that tells you something)!
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