Friday, October 15, 2010

Sally Hansen Commander in Chic

You could have knocked me over with a feather when I put this on. This one's for you, kitty2karen!

As many of you know, I am not a neutral girl - give me bright, give me glitter, or give me death! That was totally my mantra... UNTIL THIS.

Sally Hansen, Commander in Chic, what have you done to me? Are you going to turn me into a respectable woman? Okay, probably not, but seriously, I fell in love with this one. Thanks to my lovely polish-swapper, hallmarkjunkie, this landed on my desk a few weeks ago and I planned on slapping on a few coats, snapping a photo and taking it off as soon as possible. Little did I realize that I would soon be moving from light source to light source, checking out the color. Sometimes she's gray, sometimes she's taupe, sometimes she has a little purple in her. Whatever she is, I love her.

Next stop, sensible heels and a pencil skirt. Oh hell, probably not.

Happy day, all!


  1. This is a very popular color and I can see why; Classic and understated! Very nice!

  2. Hehe yay!!! I'm so glad you tried it - it looks fabulous on you!! I'm wearing OPI YDKJ today...taupe nails ftw! :)

  3. It looks lovely! That's how I feel about SOPI Metro Chic - I can't stop staring at my hands because it looks so different in every light, but I actually love every different shade of it.

  4. hahaha your posts are ALWAYS hilarious! this color is great, I just might have to pick it up!

  5. Love this! Perfect for the entire fall taupe nail trend :)

  6. Looks like Essie's Merino Cool....wish I bought this instead.....

  7. I've always liked these taupe shades. Mostly I love dark shades. It's true that if you see something enough you may fall in love with it. Now put on your pencil skirt and trade the sensible shoes for high heels. You'll look sexy with your new nail color.

  8. I'm wearing Commander in Chic right now but I HATE the application of it. I've got three coats on because it already chipped on a few of my nails after not even 24 hrs. Yes, I used a bottom coat and Seche Vite for top coat. Mine went on very streaky and I couldn't get the brush to cover all of my nail. I had to keep daubing it on, trying to reach all of my nail and smooth out the color. The color in your picture is much lighter than it is in person. I do like the color however. I won't be buying any more of this polish (I have another different color of it), just because of the application and the weird brush.

    I've never seen a blog that has as much nails as this! Fantastic!
    Following now;)

    Please follow back!

  10. Thanks for all the comments, everyone, and I'm so glad that so many of you love this polish as much as I do!

  11. I had the same problems as LizKS48. The polish chipped not 24 hours. I did not use a base or top coat. Put on another application the next day and it's chipped again on a different nail. I am so sad about my polish because I really like the color but not the staying power. :-(
