Saturday, October 16, 2010

This Not-So-Green Girl Sees the Light: Essie Sew Psyched

So I'm not into green polishes. I know there is a sort of cult green following in nail-world, and I've always felt like an outcast because I don't wait with baited breath for companies to release a green in their new collections. I've never really understood the hype. In fact, when Essie Fall hit the stores, I didn't even give Sew Psyched a second glance. Meh.

Then, the leaves turned here and it started to feel like honest-to-goodness autumn. Like time for cinnamon spice candles and nubby sweaters and cozy cups of (soy) hot cocoa. It *almost* felt like exactly the season when the hubs and I fell in love...the same smell was in the air. (I love fall for so many reasons!)

And all of a sudden I was curious about Sew Psyched. It exuded that same cozy and warm - but yet fresh and new - feeling that fall gives me. It matched my mood perfectly and I *had* to try it.

(I took these shots at coworker noticed my nails and loved the colour so much she borrowed my bottle and painted her nails for her upcoming vacation!)

Words can't describe how pleased I am with this polish. I guess it's even better because it was a total surprise! I wanted to try it, but I fully expected to hate it. I was greatly rewarded for stepping outside of my comfort zone. It's the most beautiful blue-leaning green creme with a grey cast (NOT duck poo) enlivened by a hint of subtle silver microshimmer. For some reason the colour reminds me of the Clinique bottle caps even though they are much much lighter than this polish. It has the same calm, serene thing going on. But Sew Psyched is much more mysterious - it's the green version of all of the popular dusty taupe shades that I love.

I know not all greens are created equal, and I'll probably never be someone who waits impatiently for a new green to come out, but this one has a firm place in my collection and in my heart. Maybe I'll even give green more of a chance in the future.

Are you a green polish enthusiast? Have you tried Sew Psyched??


P.S. RBL Diddy Mow is an exact dupe, so if you have one, I wouldn't bother getting the other unless you're partial to one formula over another.


  1. I absolutely love green, yet I don't have this one. It looks lovely on you!

  2. I am waiting for this one to arrive in the mail! It was sold out at all the salons I went to.. I can not with to try it it such a nice and dusty green... very wearable.

  3. I absolutely love this color. I had to buy it. Love it!

  4. I have some greens I love very much (Nubar Reclaim, here's looking at you) but I don't get super excited over them generally. I want this one so bad though. It's not another forest green and it's gorgeous!

  5. Like you, I don't get particularly excited over greens, although you'll get my bottle of Emerald Sparkle when you pry it from my cold, dead, sparkly-tipped fingers.

    But this looks like something special. I'm not sure what about it is catching my eye, but it looks...comfortable? That sounds boring, but it's not. Maybe like a familiar cozy sweater that always makes you feel chic but not too chic because it's too comfortable and just nice to be too chic :).

  6. I am still waiting for this to arrive and I can't wait to try it! it looks so lovely. I don't normally go for greens but have caved on this one, Chanel Khaki Vert (although I love it I haven't worn it as a full mani yet!) and Chanel Jade which I also love - it's the micro shimmer that gets me every time!

  7. @Zara - If you get the chance, give it a try! And thanks!

    @tasha - Let me know how you like it!! I agree, it is very 'wearable'.

    @Linnie - Thank you very much!

    @Nina - Isn't it fab!! So glad you enjoy it too!

    @Meeka - It's definitely different from all the other darker greens that have come out in recent years - a whole different animal for sure! I hope you can get your hands on it!

    @TropicalChrome - Hahaha I'm giggling at the image of you with your ES bottle!! I have several polishes that make me feel cozy and snuggly and this definitely counts as fact all of those colours have a dusty tint to them. :) Comby & chic - what a great combo - and a great compliment! Thanks!


  8. I've been lemming Sew Psyched for quite sometime now. I'll definitely add it to my list in my next polish purchase.

  9. @Alison - Hehe you posted just as I was writing my reply comment! I know you're going to love this one. I think its really similar to KV, but KV is slightly more yellow-toned and SP slightly more SP has that secret Chanel-style shimmer that really is so seductive!

    @MissA - I don't think you'll regret it! :)


  10. I am not a green girl either. Diddy Mow was actually one of the first RBL polishes I bought, and it look really bad with my skin tone (still breaks my heart). This looks really nice on you, though...I wish Sew Psyched looked good on me. :(

  11. I passed on this one because I already had diddy mow, but it is (they both are) gorgeous. I wore diddy mow so many times this summer and always got compliments. It's such an unexpectedly sophisticated color. I wasn't excited about pretty edgy, but this is a green I can get into.

  12. I'm definitely a green enthusiast!
    When I bought the 4 pack of mini polishes from the Essie Fall 2010 collection, I didn't even realize that Sew Psyched was a "green". It just looked like a greyish color to me. When I came home and decided I wanted a grey manicure, I reached for the mini bottle... and boy was I surprised at how unique a color it was! (I don't own any RBL polishes, nor am I too familiar with the line.) A few days into the manicure I Konaded it with a silver polish, and the combination was lovely.
    Since then (August?) I have worn this color 3 times, which is unusual for me. I went back to Ulta and bought the full size version because I have issues with the application from the small bottle and brush of the mini bottle.
    Sew Psyched reminds me of my eye color, which is yet another reason for me to love this polish!

  13. @Varnish Vixen - Aww thats too bad! Maybe there is too much blue in these polishes for you?? If so, Khaki Vert is less blue and more yellow and might work for you??

    @Grace - Exact dupes so no matter! Plus you had yours really is sophisticated even though when you look at it in the bottle you think "wtf how is this swamp muck going to be chic?!" Pretty Edgy wasn't my thing either - too bright.

    @Frankenstyna - SP is definitely on the edge of green/grey! I bet it would look great with silver considering the amount of grey in it..fab idea!!! And you and I must have similar eye colours, because my coworker commented that it matched my eyes!! :)


  14. This has become my favourite nail polish ever, I've worn it twice in the same month, which is something that I never do. It looks great with my skin tone, and I admit that green is my favourite colour full stop, but I honestly do feel that there's something special about this shade - and I must be right given your feelings about it! ;)

    PS lmao @TropicalChrome! XD

  15. I'm not a green enthusiast, but I have to say I really like this colour. It's perfect for autumn!

  16. I have this, but have yet to try it. It just got bumped to the top of the list. Wow! Is that ever beautiful! :)

  17. @Jenny - I think you are definitely right!! It is something special :) I can't wait to wear it again myself!

    @MissMarlboro - There's something warm and cozy about it isn't there??

    @Karla - Ahh you definitely need to take this out of your "untrieds" pile!!

