As we all know, I am not a neutrals girl, but be still my beating heart! Allow me to introduce Ulta Smoke Screen -

This little creme number was an afterthought during an online Ulta binge, and thank goodness it was. It's a cool-based deep gray, and it is SUBLIME. It applied like butter, wore incredibly well and was unlike everything else in my arsenal... it's love.
And did I mention it's the same color as my angry-yet-lovable rabbit?

Oh Ulta... you make me love you in so many ways.
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This is amazing - I love this color - MUST HAVE!! LOL and not to mention your adorable bunny rabbit!! What is his/her name?
Great color & your angry rabbit is really a cutey :-)
I love rabbits! I had two! The first was kind and the second was a blackguard :D
Ah, this is a very lovely shade!
I picked this color up last weekend with my free gift coupon. I hope it looks as nice on my fingers as it does on yours!
What's your rabbit's name? I had a flop-eared bunny when I was kid named Prissy.
Haha he does look angry! But so cute! Anyway, that is a beautiful color!
I've never used an Ulta polishes. I do like the shade of grey. Your rabbit is so scrumptious looking. I had a rabbit once who chewed everything. He'd get out of his cage and chew electrical cords. I don't know how he didn't get a shock. Needless to say he wasn't kept since he chewed the TV cord, phone and answering machine. You can tell it was awhile ago. My Father wasn't thrilled in the first place and after that my bunny was history.
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