I really loved the idea of the Sephora by OPI (fondly known as $OPI) Urban Ballerina collection. All the greys and pinks were right up my alley! Here is Shiny Dancer...

In the shade...

Blurred to see the beautiful shimmer...

Hehe and the polish matches my sparkly ballet flats! I thought they fit the theme as well - Urban Ballerina...so apropos!

As pretty as this polish it, it is very reminiscent of OPI Lucerne-tainly Look Marvelous. The finish is the same foil-y metallic, but there is some variation in the tone. LLM leans more green, whereas Shiny Dancer is more blue. In the end, I decided I liked LLM better with my skin and Shiny Dancer found a new home - but I would still highly recommend it!
Have any collections out recently really appealed to you from top-to-bottom? i.e. colours, theme, marketing, etc.?
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Gorgeous Color, looks so lovely on your beautiful nails. I love Sephora by OPI, especially the Nail Polish Display. They let you try on any color nail lacquer, they have sample bottles for you to try, so the original bottles are not use. Plus, they encourage you to try the many samples because they supply nail polish remover and cotton pads! Amazing.
I totally missed this collection! No idea when it came out, etc. I just saw it on line at Sephora yesterday, and I really like it. I was tempted to pick up the mini set, but the colors in the mini (except the purple glitter) aren't all that unique. I probably have dupes of them... But they're so pretty! I may cave in. I don't have enough SOPI, considering how great it is.
this one looks really nice on you ! I've never tried $OPI polishes, seems like we can't find them in Europe.
That's pretty. It looks almost like a dupe of China Glaze Jitterbug. :)
This looks nice, I'll be sure to watch out for it because it was sold out at my Sephora. Love Break a Leg Warmer from this collection.
A collection that appeals to me all around is the upcoming Femme de Cirque - I'll probably end up with all of them.
Gorgeous! I think I'm more fond of LLM myself. Those shoes are SO cute! Where'dja get 'em? :-)
Very nice colour!
I love this colour! Damn you sephora and your exclusives I can't get in the UK!!
@Geo58 - Yes! That nail polish display with the testers is something they are doing very very right. Ulta needs to take a page from that playbook for their displays!
@Grace - I agree that most of them are dupeable, but the colour story as a whole really appealed to me. I think the only one I'm ending up keeping is Let's Plie! Haha!
@Honey_lili - Ugh yeah I've heard they don't come to Europe. :( I'm sorry!
@Sara - Well I don't have Jitterburg, but I know its close to LLM so I"m sure its close to this as well!
@: ) - I tried Break a Leg Warmer but didn't keepit on long enough to photograph..it was way darker than the bottle colour on me and got really greenish. I love the colour in the bottle and want that!! I think Femme de Cirque is cute too :) I love the circus theme, and can't wait to get my hands on I Juggle...Men
@Courtney - Thank you!! I think at Macy's?? They're Steve Madden :)
@KimsKie's Nails - Thank you Kim! Checking out your blog!
@Stacie - I don't know why if they have Sephoras elsewhere that they don't have the polish! Seems ridiculous.
I like the look of this one. Surprised that CG Jitterbug looks similar, as I have had Jitterbug sitting untried for ages - so I will have to try it next!
... It turned out Jitterbug wasn't on my untried pile - I had worn it before, but have just put it on again - it is really just slightly darker than just silver metallic microgitter, no dark blue in there - I like the look of Urban Ballerina much more. However, my notes say that last time I tried mattifying Jitterbug and rather liked that. I wonder what Urban Ballerina would look like mattified?
Love your ballet flats! The polish is so pretty. I never know about the Sephora OPI collection. I only happen to catch it when they're featured on a blog. I'll have to pick this one up. It's really pretty and sparkly.
Oh... That's really pretty. My Sephora doesn't have any of the Urban Ballerina yet, but I'm really interested in this one. Holy cow that's pretty. :)
@Andy - Like I said, I don't own Jitterbug to compare! I'm pretty sure I remember it being warmer rather than this cold dark blue hint. I'm not really into the whole matte thing myself...
@Lucy - Thank you! Check out the collection, I think you'll like it!
@Karla - I'm glad you like it!
... I can understand your aversion to matte for matte's sake, but if you have a matte topcoat, next time you try on a polish which is foily, but also rather too brushstrokey for your liking, as an experiment, try a matt topcoat. My experience is you lose the brush strokes and any 'excessive' shine, but the foil still gives quite a good effect. Completely different to mattifying a cream or mild shimmer (which I don't do either).
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