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I *SWORE* I wasn't going to get any of the OPI Texas collection polishes, but then I got curious...
Houston We Have A Purple is one of the polishes in the collection with the "sorbet" finish. (I hate this. It's a jelly, people. We know what a jelly is. OPI insults our intelligence.)

I personally find this to be more pink-red than purple, but I've got to say - I really like the colour! This was four coats, and while that wasn't so fun to do, the result is quite pretty - I think the finish adds depth to the colour without the need for shimmer.
Will I be picking up more of these? No. But will I wear this one? Absolutely! I'm going to love it in summer especially!
What do you think of OPI essentially "re-branding" the jelly finish? Smarmy or smart?
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I really love jelly polishes and I really like this colour. I'm not sure if I'd get this polish, because I read about VNL after 3 or 4 coats and that isn't worth my 14 euro's.
Haha, the sorbet thing is just silly. I like that color on you!
I feel exactly the same way about the sorbet label... pretty lame, OPI. However, I did buy this color (and only this one) and I like it a lot. It's not exactly unique, but it's unique in my personal stash, and it's a gorgeous magenta jelly! I think I just felt strange about passing up an entire OPI release, but the texas collection just isn't really doing it for me. I'm not planning on getting any others.
I think it was smarmy. Most of us who collect nail polish know it, but I guess people who aren't nail fanatics would probably think it was so cool and buy it up, so OPI is smart in earning more revenue I guess. I love the colour, I can't wait to get it myself!
You made great swatch of it!
It annoys the crap out of me. Sorbet makes no sense for this finish at all. It was jelly, it still is jelly and it will always be jelly!
Love this colour (agh, you got me doing it now!) on you, though!
to call a jelly ''sorbet'' is one crappy idea. BUT I have to say that your swatch made me wanna give it a try. It looks awesome on you.
Ooh that's lovely! The rebranding gimmick annoys me - as did shatter.
@Piff - Bahaha I wish! Nothing I do is perfect anymore...Oh to be in elementary school with A pluses and gold stars...
@Lin - I didn't really have a VNL problem, but I didnt have much VNL to speak of at this point because my nails were really short (as they always are I suppose) so I guess Im not the best judge!
@Stephanie - That's exactly what it is...silly. And thanks :)
@Grace - We are so similar in our tastes!! This is my only Texas as well...and I'm not getting more.
@Cheryl - I think you're right- they probably made more profit from calling it a "new finish", but its smarmy!
@The Nail Buff - Agreed! I'm so annoyed by the word, but I'm loving the finish!
@sonidlo - Thank you!
@Arrianne - JELLYYY!!! Hahaha I've converted you to British spellings!! I've tried to change to the American way but I just can't. The words look empty.
@Honey_lili - Thanks so much! Despite its stupid name, I think these jellies are worth trying out!
@ilexica - I think we posted at the same time! It annoys me too. I used to hate shatter, but I tried it low contrast and I liked it!
Love! x
I'm firmly in the smarmy camp - there's a perfectly good term for this finish, there's no need to make up a new one to try to trick people that you're doing something new and different.
Then again, OPI has annoyed me enough over the years that I try to avoid their polishes whenever possible.
I bought this colour as well as Do You Think I'm Tex-y and I actually like this colour better;) It's the perfect raspberry-jelly!
Oh, I don't know. Jelly means really sheer and ugly to me, so I do think that these are more like a sorbet. I wasn't interested in these sorbet polishes at first, but I got curious just like you, and bought Guy Meets Gal-veston and Too Hot Pink to Hold 'Em. Guy meets is a coral shade and still a bit sheer, I may like it better during summer months, but Too Hot Pink to Hold 'Em is simply amazing! Juicy, quite opaque in 3 coats (yet translucent somehow) pink shade, and I really love it, it's stunning. I doubt other shades from this collection can bit its awesomeness :)
This is a pretty shade. I haven't thought about buying any of these. Now you've tempted me with your gorgeous manicure.
I bought Do You Think I'm Tex-y and I'm really liking the colour and the finish! Lol @OPI trying to market a "new finish". Sorbet=jelly!
Hmmm. When I think of sorbet, I think "icy.". So, maybe a jelly with micro glitter? Anyhow, I think it's both smarmy and smart.
@Sia - Thanks!
@TropicalChrome - Smarmy all the way!! Speaking of OPI being annoying - have you heard about the possible Kardashian Kollection (ughhhh)??
@loveandkiwi - MMMmmmm...raspberry jelly....
@Roblove - Jelly doesn't mean sheer and ugly to me - it means exactly this finish! I guess the name works for your then! :) I considered Guy Meets Gal-veston for quite some time, but in the end I think its too bright for me! Do you have pictures??
@Lucy - Aww thanks :) I think they're worth a shot!
@Kee - I think your reaction is good - just to laugh!
@Melissa - I totally see how jelly + micro glitter would be a new "sorbet" finish! Paging OPI! I agree with you - I think its smarmy, but financially smart for them. I don't have to like it though!
@kittytokaren - check out swatches of Butter LONDON Jelly Collection, this is what a jelly means to me :D I'd never ever considered buying something like this :D . These new OPIs look definitely more opaque and not that thin. Doesn't really matter. It's just a name. I really recommend Too Hot Pink to Hold 'Em if you like a good, juicy, hot pink. It's really pretty. Guy Meets Gal-veston is quite bright, but it's a coral shade so it's not really bold. I think it's better for summer. I can swatch it for you tomorrow, but I don't have a blog, so I can only show it to you via ImageShack or sth like that.
@Roblove - Ahhhh gotcha :) Yeah those are really quite thin...I wouldn't be into it either. Don't worry about swatching, I was just curious if you had a blog or pic handy! :) Thanks for writing back! I really like knowing that sometimes people read my responses!
I don't understand those Butter London jellies. I think they should change the name to Kool-aids. They're so watery and weak. I guess they are good for layering, but that's an expensive layer to me.
I originally purchased Do You Think I'm Tex-y and returned it for this one as that one was way too pink. I have been looking for a color/finish similar to Houston We Have A Purple for a long, long time - it doesn't quite hit my mark but it will certainly do!
I sort of agree with the Sorbet thing. I believe a jelly has a clear look to it (like Jell-O) and this is a little more murky than a true jelly. Could they have marketed them as a jelly? Yes, but then everyone would complain that they were not as clear as traditional jellies. Either way, I don't think they could have won on whatever they called this finish.
This looks great on you!
Ok, I was messing around last night and I think I made a sorbet franken! And not a jelly, either! I'm going to blog it as soon as I can swatch it. I have to wait until my Salon Effects wear test is over. But I'm telling you, in the bottle it totally looks like strawberry sorbet!
Oh, I forgot to mention that I'm from Houston We Have a Purple so of course I had to get it and I love it! When I bought it, I had no length, so VNL wasn't a prob, but I'll probably use a nude French nail sheer underneath it next time.
Sorry for the long comment! I'm new to polishes, so this is all exciting and new (paging Capt Stubing) to me!
The name alone before I even saw this one or knew it was a sorbet got me...I had to have it on the name alone!
definitely my kind of color! :) beautiful! but i will not get it because it needs 4 coats to look right! 4?! come on..
is there an essie dupe for this one? :)
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