I'm not typically into duochrome polishes - I'm not sure why, but I'm just never drawn them. I'm really a creme girl at heart! But for some reason I got a hankering for OPI Not Like The Movies, and was lucky enough to get it in a swap with a lovely lady!
Here it is:

I'm so happy I decided to go with my gut and try this out! I absolutely adore it! It is a silver base that flashes green, purple and gold and is laced with fine silver glitter throughout. The overall effect is smooth, non-brushstroke-y, and just gorgeous. I can see myself wearing this one quite often actually. Maybe I've gone batty, but I couldn't stop looking at my nails, and it seemed to go with every outfit I put on! The hubs declared my nails "Robot Hot". Good enough for me!
How do you feel about duochrome polishes? Hot or not?
Like this? Click below to let us know!
This looks very similar to Essence "where is the party?" :) I loved it, so I obviously like this too XD
You captured the essence of this colour very well. I too think it is a worthwhile venture into chromes/metals (even though I too am more a cream shades type of gal). This one photo said it all. I like it!
hot hot hot!
Duochromes are mixed for me. I love some (Brucci Black Emerald, for example!) and not so interested in others. I'm not sure what it is!
This looks great on you! It actually kind of looks like a better version of Space Cadet in your pics! Maybe I need to try this after all - I wasn't loving Space Cadet on me, but this looks nice!! :-)
I love a duochrome but they can be so tricky! In the bottle they will have a rainbow of colors but once you put them on they are just meh :| This one looks rad!
i think it looks great!
Looks great on you!! Very robot hot!! :)
I love the colour, actually I think I´m gonna wear it tonight. I love the silver-ish in this colour, but do not see the any gold in it.
That looks fabulous on you!
@Elsa P - I've never seen that one! I should check it out.
@Thea - Hi there! Definitely checking out your blog :) I can read quite a bit of Norweigan so its no problem. :)
@Marta - Thank you so much - I tried very hard to get one picture that captured this colour!
@Lauren - Hehe thanks!
@cilucia - I'm not sure what it is about them that I typically dont like either...hmm...maybe certain colours together don't sit well with us?
@Adrianna - Thank you!
@Courtney - Space Cadet totally didn't work for me - it just looked sickly green! I think you're right though, it definitely has some of the same reflective properties/colours as this one!
@blogbytina - Duochromes really are odd...I'm glad you like this one!
@muffin - Thank you! :) I'm glad you like it!
@Kat - Thank you very much! I'll tell my hubs you agree :)
@Lika - On me it flashes like a green-gold in some lights
@Apriltini - Why thank you friend!
I love duochromes! And as luck would have it, I just put this color on last night. I've been admiring my nails all day and moving them around in the light. I can get it to go gold-ish before it changes to green.
Not Like the Movies is a lot like Lippmann's Wicked Game. NLTM has the silver glitter that WG doesn't. And NLTM seems to be more silver overall, and WG seems to be more purple. I have both and am not sure which one I like more. They're both really fun. :)
I'm really fond of duochromes; although they can be kind of distracting in the same way holos can. I find myself staring at my nails a lot when I'm wearing a duochrome.
Gorgeous! :) I have this one, but have never used it yet! Definitely need to try it out!
This suits you!
LOVE!! x
That looks really good! How many coats did you use? I bought that one a while ago, and it didn't look like anything on me even with three...maybe bad fairies replaced it with a changeling.
@Karla - So funny that you just put that on! :) I agree its a lot like Wicked Game - I don't have that one but from the pics I've seen I'd say there are strong similarities. I'm glad you're enjoying this along with me!
@Telesilla - *shudders* holos... oi. But you're right - I do find myself staring at my nails a lot when I wear this though!
@Natalie - Give it a try!! Let me know how it goes! :)
@Piff - Thanks pretty lady :)
@Sia - Thanks!
@kitsplut - I used 3.5 coats. 2 coats, then 1 coat over only the top half of my nail, then a last coat to even it out. It was worth the trouble :)
@Laura - Thank you!
Love duochromes! I've never seen this one before. I don't remember names of polishes. This looks like something else I've seen. I hope I have it!
@Lucy - This one is from the Katy Perry OPI collection. Like another commenter said above, maybe it resembles Orly Space Cadet?
Robot Hot, LOL. I totally get it. I can't get behind purple / green duochromes (a surprisingly common combo) because I feel like I have alien fingers. I get them and then end up giving them away.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE DUOCHROMES/ MULTICHROMES!! I can't get enough!! My dream color would be a whitish silver that flashes ALL the colors of the rainbow.
Duochromes are my favorite finish, they always draw my eye. This is not limited to polish either, but anything iridescent, beetle-wing-like gets my attention. =)
A very nice duochrome and one I'll add to my wanted list. Saw a very interesting comparison post which included this one recently too.
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