I admit it - I fell prey at a drug store recently - CVS to be exact. I fell prey to that sweet, sweet American concept - the SALE. I had some "extra bucks" and a coupon for a dollar off Essie, so how could I resist?
So many people have been loving Smooth Sailing, and I decided to pick it up and give it a go...

Have you ever liked a polish, but felt like it just didn't fit your personality?
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I think it's lovely on you, but it seems to pull waaay more purple on you than it does on me. I understand about polishes just not being you though. That's how I feel about the dark berry color I have on now. Pretty... but not me! =)
Erm... did you get the wrong color? Smooth Sailing isn't purple...
I loved this, but it wore pretty badly on me. Plus it was a bit thicker than I would have expected from a brand-new polish.
I bought this at Rite Aid along with Sew Psyched. I loved them both even though I expected not to like Sew Psyched. I love Smooth SailIng!!! It's in my favorite color group.
I understand what your saying, at first because of the hype you though that Essie, "Smooth Sailing," would be a nice color to swatch. It does go well with your skin tone and looks lovely on your beautiful nail. You do have some of the most beautiful nails out of all the blogs I subscribe to.
However, maybe it's missing something? Like maybe if you tried an OPI Shattered silver over the polish? Or an China Glaze Crackled red color? Maybe?
Yes, I have chosen polishes and when I tried them on , wish I never purchased them, I believe everyone has does this at least one time or more.
Mc Huggs :)
Oh no! I don't have Smooth Sailing, but I've definitely been eyeing it! I know how you feel though. I was so exited to finally try Illamasqua Rampage ("The Jesus"), and was just REALLY not feeling it on me. I wanted to like it, but I just didn't. Swapped it away to a better home. :-)
@Noelie - Oi. Everything pulls way purple on me - the curse of being very very yellow toned!
@Emily - Shockingly, I'm not actually an illiterate moron. This is indeed "Smooth Sailing" - I read it on the cap. And I even call it "blue" in my review. When I reference it "bordering on deep periwinkle", I'm expressing that it has purple undertones, which come out highly exaggerated on me because of my yellow skin. Thanks for your constructive comment.
@Laura - I found it to be a little thick as well, but it seemed to wear OK. I have a friend on the NB who adds thinner to many of her new polishes now! Seems to be a trend...thick polish... I dunno.
@Fabienne - Ahh you bought some good ones! What do you think of Sew Psyched? It is one of my favourites@
@Geo58 - I don't think its missing anything...maybe its just too much of something? Like I think if it were paler I might like it better. Or without the shimmer. But I generally love the colour - would love it in furniture, bedding, clothes, accessories, etc!
@Courtney - Exactly! It somehow just didn't fit with me. Maybe I"ll try to find this a new home as well - but I'll test it out on toes first!
AMAZING colour! x
I swatched before committing to buy it and I'm glad I did. It did NOT look good with my pale coloring and I wasn't really into the color that much..so I passed and got Trophy Wife instead.
I love this color, it's gorgeous. I think it looks great on you. I felt the same about Orly Fancy Fuchsia.
@Sia - Glad you like it!
@agirlinthebasementwith5cats - I hope you swatched with a tester...I honestly think its really inappropriate and a form of stealing when people swatch in the store. It ruins the bottle for people who want to buy it.
@Honey_lili - Thank you! And glad to know I'm not alone and this happens to other people.
I know exactly how you mean.. I have many polishes that I love! but not on my nails.. :D I try not to buy them cause I know I won´t wear them, but sometimes I just have to ;)
I feel that way about greens and light purples/lavenders. I love the colors and the way they look on other people but when I put them on I'm always just meh
Oh and I also feel that way about nail art. I love it but it just doesn't fit me. I tried it for the first time last weekend. My bf was in a car show and I painted my nails the color theme of his car (metallic cashmere with black tips). Even though it looked it good I just felt it was too fussy for me.
Love that icy looking shimmer. Really a pretty polish.
@lina - I know! Sometimes the pull of a pretty colour is just too great!
@Harlow - I'm the same way with pinks - they just don't work on me unless they're really pale! Or really purple... And I'm also the same with nail art - it's just too OTT and I feel like it doesn't go with my outfits. Hallelujah, sister :)
@Lucy - It *is* pretty isn't it?? That's why I feel kind of guilty that its not really working for me.
I love pale purples, creamy blues...I can wear them in clothing, but on my nails they suck.
Laughed out loud at your response to Emily's comment. Thanks for the chuckle!
@k2k: No, I swatched my friend's bottle of the polish with her permission (and also her Trophy Wife polish w/ her permission). I am NOT the type to do those things in a store especially because of my age (even if there was testers available).
I totally understand what you are describing here. I LOVELOVELOVE all blue polishes and even more I love the turquoises and periwinkles. So at first I was totally excited for smooth sailing. But I just don't like the shimmer.
I'm not sure why, I'm a huge fan of both creme and shimmer finishes (not glitter or frosty, though ^^), but this shimmer kinda disturbs me. Honestly, it ruins the polish for me :-((
I have no idea why, but it does.
Luckily, I still have lapis of luxury and china glaze secret periwinkle and also essie cote azur, but still. I wanted to like this one :(
And speaking of polishes that I think are hot on other peoples nails, but not my own, are all reds, pinks, corals and oranges :-D
I just can't pull them off. My hands look totally strange and totally old when I wear reds. Like grandmother's hands :(
I even bought some reds, pinks and oranges, but I take them off after 2 hours or so, because I can't stand looking at my nails :(
Except for halloween ^^ each year I paint my nails a bright and glowing orange and stamp some pumpkins, witches, spiders, bats and stuff on them and I love it ^^
I am wearing this very polish right now, and I agree that it really walks that thin plank (haha) between periwinkle and purple. The color is completely gorgeous.
I have a question, though- has anyone else had bad luck with Essie polishes? I got Sew Psyched and it bubbled and chipped within a day- I figured it was just me; then I got Smooth Sailing, and it did the exact same thing! Would using Essie base and top coats help? Does Essie's formula not play nice with other stuff?
I'd love it if anyone had any suggestions- I fancy both of these colors, but argh...
I know you say it doesn't suit your personality, but I think it does look good with your skin tone.
I love this shade of blue, but it is practically the same as piCture pOlish Denim, DL I Know What Boys Like, Jaybird's Blue Tang, etc.. They all have different finishes but are practically the same base color.
I am waiting for my supplier to get these. I didn't think it would bother me, but I prefer the salon bottles with the 'e' on top rather than the sticker. Plus, I get them at wholesale. I can't imagine paying full price for an uglier version of Essie.
A really very nice polish, and as others have said I too think it looks great on you. I understand about just not feeling some polishes are for you though even though they look fine - I have that problem with polishes that end up having a pinkish tinge when I hadn't expected them to, as I just don't do pink!
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