Ugh. Not much to say about this one besides - FRUSTRATION!
Such a gorgeous, gorgeous colour - a blue-toned lavender. But such a crappy, crappy formula. And I think my threshold is pretty high for dealing with bad formulas.

Really disappointed with this. I love the colour so much, but I am super apprehensive about applying it ever again. I don't know whether to keep it, or swap/give it away.
Have you ever had a polish that you loved but had an awful formula? Did you keep it?
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I had the same thing happen with Lilacism! I'm still trying to find another blue-toned lavender that I like that much! The formula just sucked. I use OPI Rumple's Wiggin now for a lavender but it's just too pink sometimes. I feel your pain!
Hmm that's a hard dilemma! Yes I have kept a crappy polish just because I loved the color so much. A Claire's purple black light polish comes to mind, I couldn't understand how a polish could apply that way! But the color is unlike any other purple I have ever seen, so I kept it!
I love my essie lilacism...I don't seem to have any problems with application. Have you tried ChG agent lavender as a good blue-tone lavender?
Have you tried Nubar Lavender already? I think the color is pretty much the same and love Nubar formula
You're right, it's beautiful! Maybe a similar shade would be American Apparel's L'Esprit? :)
I haven't had a problem with lilaicism but essie's Fiji has never made it on more than 2 fingers before I gave up on it. Which is a shame because I love the colour.
Aw too bad it didnt work for you. :( Oh, new follower here. Nice blog BTW. :)
misskatv beauty straight forwards
I have the same color at home and have never had a problem with it. I wonder if there are different batches.
I've the same feeling about Lilacism - love the color, hate the formula. And now I prefer Illamasqua Wink, applies like butter!
I got the mini set of these when they came out and wound up picking up full size bottles of a few from this collection, but this was definitely not one of them. The application was such a pain. Actually, I wasn't thrilled with the application on most of this collection, never mind the fact that Tart Deco turned a crazy yellow-ish color with every top coat I tried. I did LOVE Red Nouveau, though. The formula on that one was absolute perfection.
@Lacquered Lover - I'm so glad I'm not alone...the colour really is gorgeous isn't it?
@AngieBee - Wow black light?? That sounds awesome!
@Beata - Accckkk so jealous!! And I don't wear ChG so I haven't tried that one...
@Miranda - I haven't tried that. I need to check swatches out to see!! Now you have me excited!
@mylittlevanities - I don't buy AA polishes either anymore so that's out for me as well...this is what I get for being a brand snob!
@vgms - Fiji is *notorious* for terrible app! Believe it or not, that is one Essie I've never used!
@MissKatV - Welcome welcome!! Thanks so much for following and the nice comment!
@Melissa - Chances are there are different batches. I also think that different people find different kinds of polishes challenging, you know? Like I never seem to struggle with sheer polishes, but I know a lot of people find them streaky.
@Cathy Lee - Hmmmm I've never had an Illamasqua close ar the colours?
@Grace - Ugh yeah this collection was pretty terrible all around in app. This is the only one I still have from it, and I think its on its way out!
My willingness to put up with a bad formula is high if I didn't pay a lot for the polish but low if I did, so streaky Chanel Riva annoys me way more than a clumpy Maybelline. Not that I've managed to let go of Riva yet, though.
Sorry it didn't meet your expectations /: It is very cute though .
OMG! SOOOO pretty!
I have a polish like that...Avon Urban Grey. I love the color, and I will admit the application isn't too bad (though it's a grey, it applies a little like a pastel polish? Thick coats, etc) but the thing that kills it for me is that it takes 3 years to dry or something like that. I still have it though...the color is so pretty...
I have trouble with all my Essie's. I usually try out a couple from a brand to form an opinion but all the colors I have are either streaky or thick. Pretty colors though! It's a tough one.
Hi Kittytokaren,
Wink is a tiny little bit darker. But believe me, you won't be able to tell the difference on nails - oh, except the application
I've had that problem with multiple Essies: Turquoise & Caicos, Carousel Coral, and Lapis of Luxury. I've only used Lilacism for toes, where formula doesn't matter as much, but my sister had that problem with it. At least Nice is Nice, another pretty light purple, is very easy to apply, so that void is filled for me.
@KarenD - Hmmm so buy your philosophy I should totally get rid of this (I got it in a swap). I think I'm going to.
@Toyomi - Thank you! And I'm sorry too :(
@Olivia - Haha glad you like it!
@Kara - Oooo that looks so pretty...never drying is the reason I gave up on Zoya polishes. So annoying.
@Lilybeans - Aww thats too bad. Essie is my fav brand and I usually don't have problems!
@Cathy Lee - Hahaha I like that part!! Now I *need* to check this out.
@Katy - I have all of those Essies that you mentioned and I've never struggled with them! I honestly think my threshold for crappy app is pretty high, but this one took the cake. I have St Lucia Lilac (which is very very close to Nice is Nice - a little greyer) and its pretty, but I just loved the strong blue tones in Lilacism :(
Such a fresh colour! x
How odd. There must be a difference in batches. This is the first Essie I ever bought and the formula was pretty good, no different than other Essies I've used. Love the colour. Oh course I'm a purple fan so how could I not!
The only polish I've ever kept which has a horrible formula is GOSH Holographic. It is truly the worst polsih to apply I have ever used, but it is also one of the most astonishing once you have gone through hell getting the stuff on! Every other polish which applies badly I have rapidly rejected!
If you're looking for a dupe-ish color for this one, I would suggest trying Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Lacey Lilac. I've compared the bottles in the store and I think its the same color for at least $5 less and its a perfect 2 coater!! :)
I also hate Essie's formula a lot of the time.
What a shame this is so difficult. It's a beautiful shade. I agree with Fiona to try the SH Lacey Lilac. There are some nudes that are horrible for me to apply.
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