Here's the additional polish pics from Essie's fall collection that I promised! I ended up picking up two more from the collection - Glamour Purse and Case Study. Et voila!

A couple years too late, but I don't care. THE perfect taupe. PERFECT. Probably super close to Chanel Particuliere - I don't have that anymore, but I have Barry M Mushroom and this has a titch more grey to it. Again, my perfect perfect taupe. I am going to hunt down a back-up. Oh and it wore like a champ!
Case Study

For the last couple of years, taupes and neutrals with a hint of purple (like Glamour Purse...ahh it really was born too late...) were all the rage. But now we are seeing rash of camouflage-style green-tinted neutrals come on the market. I'm liking the trend! And I'm liking this polish - it looks much more flattering on me in person than this picture shows. Many, many, many of you have already pointed out that I was wrong about this being a Milky Way dupe. (So many. All over the internet.) I get it. I was wrong, this is much more green. Remind me never to speculate again...
The only polish I haven't picked up from this collection is Very Structured. If you've tried that one or even seen it, let me know what you think!
P.S. I ended up parting with Lady Like, for those that were curious!
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These are so cute! Perfect for Autumn :)
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I am so jealous of your long nail beds! I have to keep my finger nails long-ish to avoid man hands.
And these are great colors. I have been looking for them everywhere to no avail. Have you purchased them online somewhere or is it just that us Canadians are behind the times?
very structured is gorgeous, quite a dark orange.brown colour. I thought it would be a bit lighter but it's really nice and rich
I have Glamour Purse on right now, and I'm loving it! I kept picking-up and putting-down Case Study yesterday, but I'm really curious about it, so I best go back and get it!
glamour purse is so elegant! I don't have any colours like either of these in my stash yet
I have Very Structured. it's got red/brown to it like a darker ruddy red/deep tan purse would look like. It's not like anything I have in my stash and a good shade on me - esp for fall but not sure I would wear it other than in fall.
I think I'll have to get Glamour Purse... it's gorgeous!
The lovely FedEx lady just delivered my fall Essie picks this morning. I've got Case Study, Glamour Purse, Power Clutch and Very Structured sitting next to my laptop right now, just waiting to be swatched! I'm starting my new job tomorrow and couldn't decide which polish to go with, but I think Glamour Purse just jumped to the top of my list.
Very Structured is the one color I wasn't sure about, but I figured I'd take a chance and order it. It's much more mauve and less orange in person than it appears in the promo pics. Like a modernized granny-mauve. I don't think I have anything like it. I'm very curious to see how it suits my skintone.
I really like this collection (especially Power Clutch, as you know) - very fall-appropriate! I own Power Clutch already and have Case Study, Very Structured, and Carry On (not sure why I caved on yet another dupey vampy but oh well) coming to me in the mail soon!
So nice!
Love this shade on you. I can't resist a taupe. I ordered both Fall collections.
@vseymourhunt - Thanks Vicky! And I'm checking out your blog :)
@Jessica - I never really used to like having long nail beds - I was always so jealous of girls with cute little nails. I bought most of these in a drug store, and Glamour Purse online because it won't be released in the drug store (but will be available at Ulta when it comes out officially). I don't think Canadians are behind on this one!
@Nail Polish Anon - Very Structured intrigues me in the few photos I've seen, but I don't think it would be very flattering on me? But I'm so curious!! Do you have pics?
@Varnish Vixen - Isn't GP gorgeous?! I really like Case Study - I'm disappointed tht it doesn't look that flattering in the pic - its better IRL.
@s - You need a fabulous taupe my love!
@beachgal - Very Structured sounds so complex and you have pics? And I agree - definitely a fall colour!
@Sasha - Definitely pick it up!
@Grace - Fabulous!! I love a good nail mail day :) I think you'll love love love GP! I really need to see VS in person - it sounds so interesting from everyone's descriptions. I don't think it will suit me, but I *need* to try it!
@keerthi - Power Clutch is a dream! So glad you're into it :) Carry On is gorgeous too - dupe-y? Yes. Beautiful and great application? Yep.
@Sia - Thanks!
@Lucy - You and me both sister. Seriously.
So awesome! New follower here and so glad I found your blog! :)
Love the way they both look on you!
I saw your rose gold watch in another photo you posted a few months back, fell in LOVE, and swore that I would get myself one. After these few months of searching I finally found THE ONE and bought it yesterday online! You inspired me! :D
You have me sold on Glamour Purse! It does look very similar to Chanel Particuliere which I also love but Essies wear on me better. That's 3 I want from this collection now, while I like the look of Case Study I just don't think it will work on my skintone.
I am still super excited for Essies offerings for Winter and the Holiday season too! Can't wait for your swatches of those!
@Lucy - Welcome! Thanks so much for commenting - I really love reading what people have to say about things :) Don't be a stranger!
@Unknown - Oh my goodness!! Which one did you end up getting? A friend of mine in reality also loved the watch and ended up getting a Marc Jacobs rose gold one that I adore on her - and now want for myself. Oi. I do hope you read this and let me know which watch you picked! (I'm *obsessed* with rose gold. I wish I could find more pieces in it!)
@Alison - Exactly - Essie wear is so good! I'm thrilled with GP. And you *know* I'm super hyped for winter/holiday as well!!
I got one from Amazon! As soon as I saw it, I knew it was exactly the one I wanted. A lot of the ones I saw had serious fake-diamond business going on and I didn't like that. Others were too simple for me. I love love love chunky watches and this one is just all around perfect!
@Rosemary - I looovveee it!! Gorgeous! I am so with you on the fake diamond thing. Not my style either. So happy you found the perfect one - it really is incredible :)
I'm so glad you like it too! The BF and the sister were both like, "Um...well...I'm glad YOU like it!" Hahaha. I do have a question though - do you know what color skin tone rose gold suits, and what is your skin tone? I think I'm warm toned and I'm not sure if rose gold will look good or bad on me. Fingers crossed for good! I'll still wear it even if it looks atrocious, it's THAT amazing. :)
@Rosemary - Rose gold is one of those funny things that is supposed to be "universally flattering". I usually feel like "universally flattering" things are a big myth, but I have yet to see a skin tone/shade that this looks less than amazing on! I'm very yellow-toned (which is NC in MAC and what most people call warm...I always learned that yellow was cool but whatever) and very very pale. About NC15 in MAC colours. But seriously. Rose gold looks awesome on anyone. I hope you absolutely adore it on yourself. :)
Good to know! I'm never sure if I'm cool or warm toned because I have yellow undertones, but my cheeks and hands tend to be ruddy and pink (thanks, Eastern European genes!) I'm excited to wear this anyway. I will send you a photo when I get it!! :)
I'm sure you have this or at least know about it, but I JUST read about Orly Rage, the rose gold foil! Now I want it! Anyway, thought I'd share just in case you didn't have it yet. :)
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