I initially only ordered a couple of polishes from the OPI Touring America collection - and then I saw them in Ulta and picked up a bunch more. I honestly wish I had restrained myself a little more, but at least I can share them with you now! I really wanted to show you the colours as they appear in real life (not lit up by some super bright lamps) so as a consequence some of these come off really dark - which they do in reality!
Uh Oh, Roll Down the Window
I'm really excited to wear this one this fall! My first ever olive green. Super creamy. I think it's one of those ugly-pretty colours and will look really nice with navy!
I Brake For Manicures

This was a lot browner on the nail than I expected - it looks more purple-y in the bottle. Part of me wishes this wasn't so dark because that would let the colour really shine.
Get in the Expresso Lane

I'm not usually the biggest fan of brown nail polish. I like it in swatches, but I never seem to feel excited about wearing it. This changes my mind - it's grey-er and greener than typical chocolate browns - and I like it! I think the camouflage-style undertones give brown a much-needed update.
French Quarter For Your Thoughts

A very welcome addition to my grey collection - lighter than the other true greys I own, I think it's really flattering on - it has a bit of warmth that keeps it harmonious with my yellow skin. It reminds me of elephants.
Road House Blues

Believe it or not, I don't have a true navy blue creme in my collection. The closest thing I have is OPI Sapphire in the Snow, which is much more purple. Again, I wish this was lighter so the beautiful creamy navy with a *hint* of purple could really take center stage.
A-Taupe the Space Needle

Last (and definitely least) is the one I really regret picking up. This just looks like poo on me. Poo. Sigh.
What do you think of OPI's fall offering? I was excited by the prospect of a bunch of dingy, dirty cremes, but I'm a little let down by how some of them are "almost black". I think most of us are over "almost black". I know I'm sick of hearing people ask me "What colour is that? Black?" That being said, I think several of these will become staples in my collection! I'm so looking forward to fall...
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I only have uh-oh roll down the window and i love it. i almost bought i brake for manicures but it kinda looked like linkin park after dark & i already have that
I'm glad I'm not the only one who prefers to shoot swatches in natural light! What people walk around looking at their nails in light boxes? Or full-blown sun in the autumn? Lol. <3
No surprise, but we made very similar picks! I placed an order for Uh Oh, Roll Down the Window, I Brake for Manicures and Road House Blues the minute they were available. I was tempted by Get In the Expresso Lane and French Quarter, but I feel like I've got pretty close dupes for them, and between the Essie and China Glaze fall purchases I've already made, I needed to cut back somewhere :) I'm not sure how many green manis I'll get away with now that I'm not a student anymore... won't know until I try, I guess.
I really like Uh Oh, Roll Down the Window but I think they're all great!
Also love the poo-one :)
I just limited myself to four: Honk if You Love OPI, I Brake for Manicures, Uh-Oh Roll Down the Window, and Roadhouse Blues. Lincoln Park After Dark is one of my all-time favorites but I always have people ask me if it's black, and Honk if You Love OPI is slightly lighter. I don't have any navy blue cremes like Roadhouse Blues either.
Thanks for the swatches! I only picked up Road House Blues, and I love it!
I kind of like this collection but I'm not sure I'll be picking up any of the colors, I'm only just interested in I Brake For Manicures, I love those sort of colors. And now after seeing your swatches - I wonder how does French Quarter compare to Chinchilly?
I'll never be sick of almost blacks...and I actually love it when people say, "What color is that? Black?" Because I can be like, "No bitch! It's purple! Zing!" Okay, so I just politely tell them what color it actually is, but in my head I'm snarkier.
I'm interested to try A-Taupe the Space Needle. I didn't buy it for myself, but for my friend, so I'll have to borrow her bottle. It leans way green on you, huh? It's an interesting color.
I'm so sick of almost black! might as well not be a color at all as all anyone ever sees is the blackness of it.
Love the green! XOXO
I love that collection ! Probably because I love dark polish. The 2 corals are awesome too. I need at least half of that collection ;) I hope that collection will still be on shelves when I'll be in NYC in october.
Pretty colors, and thank you for the great swatches!
And even though you went overboard, at least all the colors you bought look good on you!
The best swatches of this collection yet - thanks so much. I am with you on not excited about this collection. Too many that look too dark and will only look like they have color when I am right on top of them. I do like the Roll Down the Window on you and did not think I would pick that one up...cannot believe it's your first olive green! You need to get your hands on both out of the Zoya Smoke & Mirrors collection - they are different than this one and will look good on your skin tone. I can pass on the navy and the brown - the gray I have so many of - darker, that shade and lighter between Essie and Zoya so pass on that one. Keep hearing that My Address is Hollywood is a match to Essie Your Hut or Mine which I really like only Essie has more visible deep shimmer than Hollywood does. All in all very underwhelmed by this collection - and I will also be in the minority with the next OPI collection to come - the Muppets - don't like any of the colors - horribly disappointing that there are again 6 glitters and 6 'others' which they did last year with Burlesque..and no Holiday collection which for eons I have looked forward to all year from OPI to bring us some unique all time greats. What's with no holiday collections? Is it no longer politically correct to do a holiday collection in OPI eyes and management?
@Lakesha - Uh Oh is probably my fav of the whole bunch! I'm so with you...I wish I Brake For Manicures was lighter :(
@Feline Flodin - At least one person appreciated it!! :) So glad!
@Grace - Of course we chose similar things :P I think if you collect multiple brands these are probably pretty dupe-y, like you said. But I limit my brands so shockingly no dupes in my stash!
@KimsKie's nails - Hahaha you love the poo one?? Mine is looking for a new home...
@Jill - I have Essie Sole Mate which I believe is very very close to Honk - and like you, I like to wear it instead of LPAD because you can actually tell its purple! (No hate on LPAD though...love it, but only if I want almost-black!)
@Veronica - That's one of the best ones - great opacity too!
@hermetic - Chinchilly is quite a bit warmer than French Quarter and has more of a pink/purple undertone to it, which French Quarter seems like more of a "true" grey.
@Stephanie - I like how you handle the "Is that black?" question! I should start looking at it that way. I don't know how A-Taupe leans on me besides poo...I'm really warm toned (I'm yellow like a Simpsons character) but this is even too warm for me. Oi.
@Musings from Manhattan - This is so how I'm feeling right now.
@Sia - Me too! XOXO back!
@Honey_lili - I'm sure it will still be on shelves - the fall collections are usually restocked and carried for a looonnnggg time :)
@ChaosButterfly - You are very welcome for the swatches! So nice to hear someone say thanks - and so rare! You made my day. :)
@beachgal - Another thank you! You ladies are amazing! Unfortunately, Zoya doesn't work on me. Pity too because they have *fabulous* colours!! BTW don't feel bad - I am sooo not into Muppets either! I might pick up one. One. (And not one of the glitters either!) I miss true holiday collections as well. Holiday '09 was one of the greatest collections of all time in my opinion!!
Great swatches! I have to get Uh Oh, Roll Down the Window. I love olive greens. I have a few and need to add this one. I don't think I'll be ordering any of the rest.
loving french quarter for your thoughts!
ohh i love all the colors..
HORSE POOP?!? They gave the PNW (there's more here than Coffeeville) HORSE POOP? I've always thought OPI was anal, now it's carved in stone. There is absolutely nothing horse poop about Western Washington. NOTHING!!! Everything you'd see from atop the Space Needle would be blue, gray, green or white. Suzi can kiss my road apple.
@Lucy - Uh Oh really is the best one - too bad it has the worst name!!
@Olivia - Such a pretty grey! I'm excited to wear that one..
@ThRiSzHa - So glad you do!! Fall is always my favourite seasons for weather/clothes/polish
@Sandi - I am so with you. I would be *so pissed* if I was from Seattle. (Or anywhere in the PNW.) I would totally peg the PNW as being a hazy blue-grey...
I've decided to give this collection a miss. None of them are really must haves for me and there are too many beautiful Essie and Chanel shades coming out that I need to save my pennies for.
I like the grey, French Quarter for your Thoughts, and Road House Blues is pretty toe, but I have a gorgeous navy already...it *is* pretty though!
K2K, the first thing that jumps out at you from the air coming in is the sparkling, white foam flecked blue of Puget Sound, the next thing that registers are all the beautiful, deep, multi-tonal shades of green from the evergreens, against the lighter greens of the deciduous trees.
@Alison - Hi love! <3 Honestly, I don't blame you - there are such *stunning* collections waiting in the wings that this one seems mediocre by comparison!
@Kara - Yes...somehow I think this is a collection that people who are into polish already have many of the colours (or close enough) so there isn't an OMGIWANTIT feeling.
@Sandi - Oh wow..that just sounds completely stunning and makes me want to book a plane ticket. How beautiful and serene!! So not horse poop at all....
Must have Roadhouse Blues now. I love your name (yay Cake songs) and I also love that you're my skin tone twin! I can look up a color you've swatched and know what it will really look like! :)
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