When I first heard about this Chanel Vertigo, I thought it would be the colour of the season. I can't speak to that, but I can say that it captures my feelings of fall very well. To me it's the nail equivalent of the smoky eye - dark, sultry, and you can't quite place your finger on what the colour is - is it black, brown, purple...? Who knows. And who cares.

There is some of that extra-subtle Chanel shimmer in here, but I'm going to be straight with y'all - you can't see it. I could barely see it under direct light, and only if I angled my fingers a certain way. If you buy this, buy it for the base colour!

You can see the shimmer in the bottle better than on the nail! Honestly though, it doesn't bother me in the slightest. Even though it isn't exactly revolutionary, I really love this colour, and I'll be wearing it frequently in fall and winter. However, Chanels do chip quite easily on me...
What top/base coats do you use with Chanel polishes? I could use some recommendations!
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love this color
I agree the shimmer is even more subtle in this than it is in Paradoxal, but I love it just the same. I wore it for 5 days with no chips and could NOT stop staring at my nails. It's such a gorgeous color.
Pretty but won't get me springing for the price Chanel changes per bottle now.
Oooh kittyje that looks ah-mazing! It reminds me of one of last fall's Essies, Carry On I think? Are they at all similar?
I'm trying to hold off buying this as I'm not sure this shade is complete love and adoration for me.
I wear my Chanels with either the Zoya bc/tc combo or the RBL bc/tc combo, both which play really well with me. They are finicky however.
Sigh, I'm missing my collex at home. Hope you are well sweetheart!
Lovely- I love the ambiguous purple/grey/brown/black kinds of polishes. Perfect for fall. And I have tried Chanel with a couple different base and topcoats, but they always seem to chip very easily on me. I'm lucky if I get through the day without a chip. :(
I was lucky enough to have my nails done by Sophy Robson at Chanel's FNO event last week. She used OPI Chip Skip, then Chanel base coat and Chanel top coat. I'm on day five and my nails still look absolutely perfect: no chips, minimal tip wear.
I really like this color for fall. Nice!
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