Thursday, November 8, 2012

Barry M Amethyst Glitter

Another bought on one of my Boots 3 for 2 rampages - I just can't say no. Now that I walk home from work past a really big branch, too, I am absolutely doomed. I seem to be blowing all of my disposable income on cheap nail polish. I feel a bit guilty but it's nice to say so on PoP, because it's a bit like speaking to AlAnon. I know you've all been there.

 (without flash)

Barry M is one of my crack brands because they're really cheap and really good. They just brought out a new glitter collection and I completely fell for this one. I love it! It's so happy and sparkly and pretty. It's a combination of magenta, purple, aqua/turquoise and gold glitter (curiously, this looks more silver from afar) which I layered over a black base (Illamasqua Boosh). I had lots of compliments on this one from students, which just shows that political scientists have excellent taste.

This would be such a perfect party season polish, I think - I would totally wear this with an LBD to a Christmas do.

Which polishes are you planning to crack out to cheer up a dreary November?

Like this? Click below to let us know!


Lindsey R said...

Holy crap that's an awesome glitter! Great swatches!

Maëva. said...

Beautiful <3 love the glitters !
You should check out they have great polishes :)

beachgal said...

For those of us who cannot get Barry M polishes - we don't ever think of this brand as cheap! I so wish they would market wildly in the US! I have only a few but the ones I have I of the best red creams ever made and 2 of my all time fav blue creams are Barry M. If we had anything like Barry M at a cheap price point I also would be spending a ton of my cash on getting a bunch of 'em too.

Deborah - Love. Varnish, chocolate and more... said...

This combo is divine!

Kimberley said...

Really pretty!

Kimberley said...

Really pretty!

Danisha said...

Ouuuuh glitter! I need to know more about that collection

Rebecca Lane said...

Lurrrverrrly :)

Natalia A said...

I agree with beachgal, In Europe I've only seen this brand in England, and didn't picked up any. And now I'm kicking myself, because it does not exist where I live :(

The Lacquer Tracker said...

Lovely glitter! I really like this combination of colours together. I think you're right about it being a perfect holiday shade to compliment a little black dress.

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