Load and I have history. The first time I applied this was on the train on the way to a gig (Innerpartysystem's last London show, in case you're interested. Probably not.) In retrospect, I was a little ambitious thinking I could get away with applying a pastel in a moving vehicle. The result was pretty predictable: it went everywhere and I looked like I had advanced stage leprosy. I wore gloves to the gig. So I cursed it, and filed it away in my drawer.
Giving it another go, I think I was much too hasty to dismiss this. Yes, it requires a lot of care to apply. It's thick and a bit gloppy and messy like most pastels, and takes three coats to opacity. It's obvious if the coats don't quite line up, because you get thick, semi-opaque tidemarks around the edges, which irks me a bit. I don't like having to work to get my polish perfect, since it's usually one of my 'kick back with a beer and bad TV*' activities. It also takes a bit of a while to dry.

And yet...I LOVE the colour! And in the pictures, it looks so perfect, so the work is definitely worth it. (Though I say so myself). It's such a gorgeously versatile shade, cream being one of my favourite colours, and it looks lovely on. Definitely worth the extra effort. This even works as a stamping or overlay colour because it's thick, which is unusual for such a pale colour.
As an aside, I can't help being reminded of buttercreme. Honestly, Illamasqua try their hearts out to come up filthy names, and all I can think of is food. Mmm...cake.
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love this pale-yellow nail color! amazing xx
I love yellows and wish there were more delicious yellow polishes like this!
Such a pretty yellow, and yes I think of food too. Yum!
Forbrydelsen? are you from Denmark? :D.. btw, im not a big fan of pastels, but i really like this! :)
this is a gorgeous shade, very odd!
The color does remind me of vanilla icing. I think the name they came up with is definitely dirty. However, a color that pretty doesn't really deserve the name it was given.
great color!
Are those your real nails? They're gorgeous! Great colour, though the name... :/ Also, love Forbrydelsen! :)
I dream of having nails like yours. This polish does look so beautiful on you. Filthy names but gorgeous polishes. Looks like the buttercream filling of my favorite candy. On my nubbins this wouldn't look so hot.
Okay so the name just icks me out. Why don't they just name their colors after genitalia and just get it over with already?!
@eleni, fashion footing, mich - in really life, it's not 'yellow' so much as 'yellow toned', if you see what I mean. Kind of like jasmine wall paint. (I've been redecorating my study, pantones on the brain!).
@ Lign - No, sadly I'm English! But it plays subtitled over here. I loved it! Beautiful city, beautiful language, great plot. I really want to visit Copenhagen and Stockholm in the winter, but haven't been able to go yet.
@ Jim - That's it, icing! Buttercreme icing. Mmm cupcakes…wonder if I can get some cupcakes for lunch?!
@ River - Yes, thank you! Although I've just had to cut them a bit shorter after murdering them while stripping wallpaper.
@ Lucy - I've been wearing a lot of dark colours on my new nubbins. Waiting for them to grow out before the holiday season so I can start wearing the snow and ice colours again!
@ Lacquered Lady - that made me laugh :p:
Love this color! Name aside, this totally reminds me of buttercreme too. I think I would have a hard time of applying nail polish on a train.
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