With so much hubbub over Orly's release of Fowl Play - a near dupe to OPI Merry Midnight - I thought I'd bust out the original and see how it felt!
This is OPI Merry Midnight over OPI Lincoln Park at Dark - prepare for many pics!
Merry Midnight is a very complex polish full of different colours of glitter and flakies...
...slightly subdued by a dark purple jelly base...
...so you can tell it's special from a distance, but you can really appreciate it up close...

Yikes. And I'll stop after that close-up of my cuticles.
I'm not typically one for glitter + flakies + sparkles + OMG, but I love this. I think that the dark-ish base makes it work for me! I've worn this for several special and fun party occasions, so it has a lot of great memories in it for me as well. I know Merry Midnight is a little hard to find right now, but from what I've seen of Orly Fowl Play it seems like a great substitute. Pick it up if you can!
Do you own either OPI Merry Midnight or Orly Fowl Play? Love/like/hate?
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I have this, bought it on a fluke when it all first came out, and have yet to try it! Why???
Wonderful pix!
Beautiful <3 One of my all time favorites forever and ever <3
I own both, and love them both! Haven't done a side by side comparison yet.
I just ordered Fowl Play yesterday! I don't know what was going on in my head at the time, but I hardly bought any polishes from that OPI Holiday collection and I have SO regretted it ever since. I managed to get a hold of a mini set that had Shim-merry Chic and Holiday Glow, picked up Orly Wild Wisteria (which is supposed to be dup-ish to Sapphire in the Snow), but never got my hands on Merry Midnight. The second I saw Fowl Play it was like a million little bells went off in my head and I snapped it right up. Can't wait for it to arrive!
PS - How many coats of each did you do? From the swatches I've seen of Fowl Play, I'll definitely want to layer it and LPAD seems like a perfect base for it.
I have both Fowl Play and Merry Midnight....they are very similar....just a slightly different tone.
I just ordered Fowl Play and boy, am I glad I did. From what I've seen it's reasonably close to Merry Midnight, close enough to kill the lemming for me. And I love how it looks on you! Super pretty.
This looks amazing on you. Good idea to layer it over LPAD. I own Fowl Play and I absolutety adore it ! I'm know what you mean about the flakies/glitter/sparkles but if it's a dark polish they don't bother me.
Love the color! Looks great on you!
Oh, this looks so amazing on you!!
I found Merry Midnight at a dusty in a duo pack with Sapphire in the Snow. I REALLY wanted SitS, so I bought it thinking I'd just swap away MM. It never really interested me from the swatches I'd seen. I tried it out before I did, and found out that I LOVED it! I was so surprised! I kept that sucker! :-)
So pretty! Can OPI do anything wrong? *sigh*
This looks spectacular!
I really want Fowl Play, but for some reason knowing it is a dupe makes me a little less excited. Is nothing original in the nail world?
I'll have to settle for Fowl Play. I don't have Merry Midnight. That's really some gorgeous flakies.
I don't own either! I ordered Fowl Play a few weeks ago, but still have not received it! I guess it is sold out! =(
I have Fowl Play and I love it so much! I wore it for over a week, and I hardly ever wear the same polish for more than a few days. ^_^
Merry Midnight is one of my all time favs. It's not limited to holiday use only which I adore. But It's so expensive when you can find a bottle now & I was really hording not using mine because I did not want to run out, thus when I hear Fowl Play was going to be a dupe I ordered 3 bottles of it! I was sad when it came. They are not dupe enough for me Orly is not as complex. Orly is in a darker base and the flecks don't show up the same amt. as they do in the OPI. I won't be hording my Fowl Play that's for sure. For some maybe it's dupe enough. If I never had the 'real thing' I would not know the difference and be happy to have Fowl Play. But knowing the difference, I so much prefer Merry Midnight. Interesting that you used a base coat for your MM with the Lincoln Park After Midnight. I don't use mine with a base coat other than a clear base product. Maybe I can conserve my MM if I use a deep purple base. Have to give it a try. Thanks. Will be interested to see your comparison when you put up Fowl Play.
@Paillette - Try it!! And thanks :)
@Mooni - That's always good to hear- I know this is a fav of a lot of people!
@Sasha - I've seen a couple side by sides and they seem really close to me! Now you have back-ups! Yay!
@Grace - Oh nooessss!! I went NUTS on the Holiday 09 collection. Nuts. I have almost all of them - one of my fav OPI collections ever! I'm so glad Orly made Fowl Play to fill your MM hole...its just so $$$ right now its crazy. Oh and coats - It was 1 coat of LPAD (I find it to be a 1 coater) and 1 of MM! LPAD is a pretty dark base. To be more true to MM's own colour I would use something like Essie Sole Mate - but I prefer it over LPAD.
@Melissa Birch - Which one is darker do you think?
@Madita - From what I've seen I definitely think FP could kill a MM lemming! And thanks :)
@Honey_lili - Yesss I'm so glad you agree with me. Somehow in a dark base I love the little nuances and details. In a brighter polish I'd probably think it was too much.
@greeneyespinknails - Thanks!
@Courtney - Whew!! I'm so glad you kept it! I love SitS too - both are amazing.
@Fashion Footing - Hahaha I definitely think they can do things wrong, but this polish wasn't one of them!
@Veronica - Thank you!
@The Lacquered Lady - Unfortunately you can't easily copyright colours, so companies can just copy anothers polish, rendering the initial release less unique. Most of the time, I hate that. But in this case with the price of MM being crazy, I'm so glad Orly did it so the people who wanted MM could have it, or something close!
@Lucy - I think you'll love FP :)
@imfeeling - Oh no!! Definitely re-order or stalk it in real life!
@Rie - That is impressive! Must be love :)
@beachgal - Hi lovely!! I'm sorry to tell you I won't be buying Fowl Play to compare - I'm quite happy with my Merry Midnight! I am very interested to hear that you think they are fairly different. You seem like a MM connoisseur so I definitely believe you! Now it has me more curious about the differences... Oh and yes, I use a base coat of purple underneath MM when I use it to conserve it - I found that I had to do a ton of layers when its on its own because its jellyish. LPAD is really dark - if you want something truer to MM's own colour I would use a lighter deep purple like Essie Sole Mate underneath - that would really make it look like MM on its own without having to do 3 to 4 coats!!
Merry Midnight looks phenomenal on you! I have Fowl Play and have swatched it but haven't worn it as a full mani yet, your pics of MM have kicked it up on my list of polishes to wear next though :)
great color!
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