Monday, July 9, 2012

Zoya & Sally Hansen: turquoise, white and gold

I'm not especially great at picking favorites at anything, from type of food or color or beverage... but I think in terms of color family, turquoise may be my favorite. But of course, that depends on my mood.

Zoya always has great promos and I pick up the lemmings I have every chance I can when there is a deal or two... and one of the colors I got a little bit ago was Zoya Wednesday. I looove the color, but I can't just have a creme by itself, which is obvious in my NOTDs, haha.

When Sally Hansen: White Veil was released, I knew I wanted it, but when I found it at Walgreen's, I couldn't buy it then :( So I had to pass it by. And then it was gone! Fast forward a few weeks later, I run into CVS for Red Bull (staple of any student's study diet) and I find one! I grab it, perfect, love it, mine!

I have my newer polishes in a rack near my computer desk (where I spend most of my time when I'm home) and I stared at it after putting on Wednesday and saw it. And decided to combine it, and it was so pretty! I love white and translucent white glitter.


So so pretty! No problem with the Zoya formula, if I recall correctly, about 2-3 coats and 2 coats of White Veil. :) Gold always goes well with turquoise and the translucent glitter adds a bit of depth.

What colors do you like White Veil over?


  1. I love this layering combo! It makes me think of the ocean and a beach.

  2. Love this combo! I've never seen White Veil before; have to check that one out. This looks lovely on you!

  3. So stunning! I'm going to do my own version of this one!!!

  4. So pretty! Turquoise/Aqua is my favorite family of colors hands down. It takes up a disproportionate amount of my polish collection :)

  5. Love the combination! Great mani and thanks for sharing.
