Monday, August 27, 2012

Kiko 277 Blueberry Glitter

I don't normally like pink. But I picked this one up on a whim in Spain and HOLY WOW IT IS AMAZING. It's a raspberry pink glass fleck with a slight red-pink colour shift in bright light. Very easy application, I think this was two coats and I quite like the brush for a cheapie nail polish - it's kind of the lovechild of Essie and OPI brushes.


  1. I have never tried this brand - but the colour looks terrific on you!

  2. Looks like this is in the fuchsia range on my monitor. That has been one of my all time fav hue ranges for a good 10 yrs ever since OPI Pompeii Purple came out and caused me to move out of the French Am mani phase! I am not a huge pink wearer but I never think of fuchsia/magentas as true pinks. If you like this one welcome to a whole new world of colors! You need to get OPI Flashbulb Fuchsia now - not a glassfleck as this but amazing color with a great blue shift to it.

  3. Very pretty! I love raspberry pinks, this one looks great on you! Good to know that the application was good even for a less expensive nail polish.

  4. I love this color, it looks similar to Zoya's Kimber.

  5. I think glass fleck might be my favourite finish now!

  6. natalsie - I'm really impressed with kiko. They're so cheap and good quality for the price. Unfortunately some of the colours are quite weird - I put in a sight unseen order and only like about half of them. Oops!

    beachgal - I'll have to check some of those out, thanks! I'm currently lemming BL disco biscuit.

    Jenn - I was surprised too, but it's a really good find.

    Lacquerice - I don't own any Zoyas at all (sadly) but the do look similar!

    LabMuffin - yeah, I looooove glass flecks. I keep meaning to snag some of the older CGs because they did some amazing ones.
