Thursday, December 20, 2012

Birthday! Manicure :) Lynderella The Glittering Crowd

I've talked enough about my love for glitters, but my FIRST indie love that concerned a rainbow glitter was Lynnderella's The Glittering Crowd, and it's still one of my favorites. Containing over 100 different glitters with different shapes and sizes, it's just gorgeous.

Every birthday I usually do some kind of manicure with The Glittering Crowd and this year is no different. I decided to go for a gradient over black (I usually just layer it over a blingy silver holo + holo glitter) and I really like how it turned out :)

I'm the ripe age of 26 now (with rumblings from my mother that I need to get married soon, hah) and time is really flying by! I hope it slows down next year, if the world doesn't end tomorrow :P

One can purchase Lynnderella from her eBay store here :)

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Sasha said...

Happy Birthday! I am a December baby too!

Kripa said...

This is beautiful! I love it!

Clementina said...

It's my birthday too!

Clementina said...

It's my birthday too!

Clementina said...

It's my birthday too!

Rach said...

Happy birthday! TGC was my number one Lynnderella lemming. :)

Danisha said...

Happy. Day!!!

Lindsey R said...

That looks awesome!:) Happy birthday!

Anna's Polish Addiction said...

Happy Birthday!! Gorgeous mani :)

Monica at MP Beauty Insight said...

Any particular reason why the polish is $100? I mean - it's lovely polish for sure .. but I don't get the price.


The Beauty and The Business said...

Happy Birthday! Love your bday mani!

minnie said...

@Sasha - thank you! and Happy Birthday! (belatedly or early haha)

@NailaDay - Thank you!!

@CarolAnn - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :)

@Rach - Snow Angel was mine, and I have it, but I haven't worn it yet :x

@Danisha - thank you!

@Lindsey - Thank you!

@Anna - Thank you :)

@Monica - I think it's because it's discontinued now, they used to go for $12, and now $22, but Lynnderella discontinued/LE polishes go for a good bit

@Beauty - Thank you x 2!

Deborah - Love. Varnish, chocolate and more... said...

Happy belated birthday - hope you had a great day! The gradient really pops against the black, lovely!

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