Monday, December 17, 2012

Happy Hands: What's This

It ends up that a lot of the holiday polishes that I purchased from indies aren't exactly Christmas-y... nary a green and red combo is to be seen in my newly acquired stash. But they're all so pretty either way!

Happy Hands: What's This is one of her holiday collection, and it's a glitter polish made up of sky blue holo square glitter along with smaller silver and light blue glitter, and some white hex glitter. It's amazingly shiny.

I layered it over Color Club: Take me to your Chateau :)

This is actually just 1 coat of What's This -- although I did want a few more white glitters so I fished them out and stuck them on. Sparkly, pretty and wintry! Hard to take a picture of because of the shininess, trust me it's more gorgeous in person :D

You can find Happy Hands polish on her Facebook here and her Etsy here!

Like this? Click below to let us know!


Niki said...

Very pretty! Screams WINTER :)

Monica at MP Beauty Insight said...

So pretty - I just love glitter polish.


Melissa said...

Pretty glitter! I really like it.

Kimberley said...

This is very wintery!

Ona said...

Very pretty!

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