Thursday, December 6, 2012

Birthday polish: a frosty blizzard

So, it's my birthday today. That fact partly accounts for why this post was late - but also, the fact that I tried to upload pictures this morning only to find I'd run out of space on picasa. I'm not planing on paying for it, so I'll switch back to flickr, but I'm going to have to get a lot more diligent about making pictures smaller and uploaded fewer of them. Boo!

Anyway, I've had a nice day other than that. As per, it was bloody cold, so I decided to anticipate that by cracking out the really wintry polishes. (Next week is the last of the semester, so that's when the Christmas polishes appear).

This is China Glaze Frosty with Models Own Blizzard over the top. Frosty looks amazing with three coats but this is only two because they take a very long time to dry (it's my favourite as a base for CG Jolly Holly). Blizzard is a bunch of irregular square and hexagonal glitter in silver and silver holo. It's nice, but sparse, so if I use this again I'll pick a more opaque base and do several coats.

IMG_0614 IMG_0603

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Chester said...

That's gorgeous! Like ice crystals on your tips.

scReamViolenc3 said...

Happy birthday ^_^ Love the mani! Not trying to sound weird but did you file down your nails?

Jammies said...

Happy birthday, and love your blizzard mani!

Monica at MP Beauty Insight said...

Happy Birthday! Love the nail look!


Liz said...

Happy birthday! And cute mani <3

Elaine said...

Happy, Happy Birthday, Sweetie!!
I LOVE that polish combo! I might have to get them and try that one. :-)

Anna's Polish Addiction said...

Happy Birthday! Lovely mani :)

Anonymous said...

Find you on Twitter. Great blog! :D

Kimberley said...

Happy birthday!

Nancy said...

happy birthday! We share the same birthday, hope you had a great day :-)

minnie said...

Happy Birthday!! Belatedly :)

Grace Thomas said...

Thank you all for the birthday wishes!

@Chester - That's what I was going for, so I'm glad it translated!

@screamviolence - Yes, I did. I'll explain next week but I caught my index nail on something and it ripped, so rather than going through the hassle of glueing, patching etc I just filed them all down. Lazy :)

@ Jammies - thanks!

@ Monica - glad you like it, I love cracking out wintry polishes.

@ Liz - thanks on both counts!

@ Elaine - aww, thank you! Let me know if you need any help snagging the Models Own polish - I'd be happy to send you one over.

@ Anna - thanks a lot, I had a lovely time.

@ polishalcoholic - cool! (And I love your name!)

@ TikiBarbie - thanks!

@ Nancy - awesome, I know a few people with the same birthday including one of my students, who is fortunately a year younger than me ;) Hope you had a lovely day!

@ Minnie - thanks hun!

Kathy said...

Wishing you the best of birthdays!

So pretty!

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