Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Chanel Malice - A Return.

So I've been a little MIA...

My life has been in a bit of a turmoil lately and I've been trying to cope with it the best that I can. And by "best that I can" I totally mean "go completely insane and do crazy things". 2012 has been nuts. This year I found out my tumour was back (on my birthday), had surgery, learned to walk again, broke up with my boyfriend of 6 years, chopped off my hair and dyed it dark, met a new guy a few days later and took him to London with me, and I'm *thisclose* to quitting grad school. Yeah. It's been an interesting time. 

BUT. All the while, my nails have been faithfully polished. My choices for the most part have just been predictable and things I've already shown you. Since the weather changed about here I've been sporting a lot of dark reds - Essie's Wicked and Skirting the Issue have both had some serious workouts - and this day is no exception. I waffled on buying Chanel Malice, but eventually succumbed to the delicious velvetyness of it. Ugh and how good is it?!

So good.

I think I might start sharing my manicures with all of you even if I've shown the colour before. A lot of my old pictures are pretty crap, so they do deserve to be re-done. Plus, I think it's nice to see what people are *actually* wearing, rather than just a barrage of new things, n'est pas? 

I hope all of you are well!


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Essie Rae said...

This is soooo beautiful! And wow, you have been through a lot. Good luck with everything - and everything seems to always turn out in the end:)

Grace said...

I'm so sorry you've had such a difficult year. Here's to it being almost over and a fresh start in January.

At the very least, your nails look divine.

Noelle said...

Holy HAVE had a difficult year, which from what you described, 'difficult' seems to be quite the understatement. Good to see you posting!

Robin Storesund said...

I like to revisit old favorites, myself, and it's good to see them with a new eye now and then. Sorry to hear that you've had such a rough year — I hope things are better for you here on out!

Kripa said...

Goodness, that does sound like a pretty difficult year! It's great that you're back to blogging because among all the other reasons, it means that you're coping well enough with all the other stuff that you can go back to it. Your nails look amazing!!

Monica at MP Beauty Insight said...

Beautiful color on your nails and sorry to hear that you've had a difficult 2012 .. but look on the bright side, you're a few weeks away from putting it behind you and moving on to a New Year :-)


scReamViolenc3 said...

Sorry to hear you've a had rough year, but at least this year is almost over! I love love this polish! I wore it for Thanksgiving and it's my first ever Chanel polish.

Grace Thomas said...

Christ, what a year! As the saying goes, what doesn't kill up makes you's to a nice, positive, restive 2013 eh?

Stephanie said...
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Laikabear said...

Oh my gosh! I didn't know any of that was going on. I didn't even know you had ever had cancer. I'm so sorry that this year has been crap for you! I hope your health situation is okay, the new guy is treating you well (if you're still together), and regarding grad school... Whether you decide to stay or leave, make the right decision for YOU. Take care! :) (Also I like the idea of showing what you're wearing, that's what I do on my tiny little blog!)

kittytokaren said...

Thanks everyone for your good wishes and support! Don't worry about me - I'm doing great. Expect more posts from me soon :)


Kathy said...

Beautiful polish--I'm a sucker for anyting remotely in the purple family.

Hang in there kittytokaren--it's always the darkest before the dawn. You've come too far to turn back now!

Piff said...

What a year. Hopefully 2013 is better! PS Be cool. Stay in school.

Sandi said...

A fantastically Shi!!y year it sounds to have been. Hope 2013 is completely the opposite.

Love the Chanel.



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