I have a few past NOTD. First two are purple! I was feeling in the purple mood, I think my longer nails looks best with purple nail polish on. I could wear purple any day, any occasion, any length honestly. I think its my fav nail polish color! Both of these purples are super pretty with subtle shimmer that makes them glow and really makes them diff from other purples.

NYX Wild Child

Claire's Magic
Yesterday I had my first GMAT prep class so I put on a cheery Finger Paints Ripe Peach. We took a diagnostic exam to see which areas we need help most on. Honestly I need help in all areas. The real test is four hours long. Yesterday's diagnostic exam was only three hours long, we omitted the essay section. I couldn't even sit through the three hours bc i was getting serious ADD and kept staring at my nails and got restless after only 15 questions. I don't know what I'm gonna do when I take the actual test!! :(

Finger Paints Ripe Peach
When I woke up this morning I saw a box outside my door from Sephora and quickly opened it. Behold, DARK ROOM! Looks kinda blue in the bottle, sorta like a super dark teal, but after i painted my nails with it, it's DEF green!! Super dark green, but still very pretty and perfect for fall! Formula was great for me, it was a little more runny than I'm used to, but manageable.

Sephora by OPI Dark Room
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Urgh. Test prep classes. Those are so painful. I did one for the GRE and I think the only reason it helped was because it forced me to do practice tests. And then at the end of the day? I got the EXACT same score that I got on my SAT. Four years of college, test prep, and you know, all that extra wisdom from living... couldn't even boost my score by 10 measley points. ;)
And Ripe Peach is so freakin' beautiful! I need to haul ass to my nearest Sally Beauty sometime soon.
I rally hope the prep class is helpful. I paidd a buttload of $$ for it and if i hadn't I could be doing some serious NP hauling ha.
I have three from this Finger Paints collection and love all three of them! Kinda wish I had gotten the entire collection, but all sold out at my Sallys now. So get 'em while you can!
holy moly i am in love w/ Magic.
it's bc i took an awesome picture of it :) Best out of the bunch!
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