Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Hunt For Red (By) October, Part 4

It's the middle of September. Crunch time. I'm swatching like mad! Can I find my perfect red(s) by October??

Next up in my Hunt (see Parts 1, 2, and 3 for past successes/failures) are a couple more contenders for the 'Summer/Bright Red' title - Essie Pouf Daddy and Essie Forever Young. Both are a titch more orange-based than Essie A-List, Essie Limited Addiction or OPI Got the Blues for Red, but still firmly in camp 'blue-based red'.

Essie Pouf Daddy:

Unfortunately it has a name that conjures up pop culture references that are a frightening hybrid of rapper/mogul Diddy (or, as my mother calls him, Mr. Diddy) and Jersey Shore's Snooki, but I think that the colour might be the best match for my skintone yet!

Essie Forever Young:

Forever Young also conjures up odd memories of awkward middle school dances and Napoleon Dynamite, but it is also a fairly pleasing red. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I don't like this one quite as much as Pouf Daddy, even though they are very similar. I think FE has more pink in it?

Since I wore these different days, and reds vary greatly depending on the lighting conditions, here's a little comparison:
Top to Bottom: Pouf Daddy, Pouf Daddy, Forever Young, Forever Young

You can *kind* of tell in the shot (it's more evident in person), that Pouf Daddy is a tad more orange-based than Forever Young, but also a little richer at the same time? I'd say PD is the front-runner so far. I'm just stumped because swatched on paper, Pouf Daddy looked more berry-ish, but on the nail Forever Young has the pinker hue.

*sigh*. Reds. Are. Impossible.

And just to show you how arduous this Hunt has been, I'm showing you a blurry/washed out/not even remotely colour accurate picture of some red skittles I did - this is how I weed out the losers from the distinct possibilities... So for every red I show you, there are probably 4 others that didn't make the second-round try out as a full manicure.

L-R: Essie Rock the Croc, Essie Pouf Daddy, OPI Big Apple Red, Essie Limited Addiction

(I had such high hopes for OPI Big Apple Red after hearing all the raves about it, but it was just too bright for me! It fell flat on my skin tone - I need something richer with more depth.)

Between the million skittles and all the red manis, I'm starting to get really really really frustrated with this. I can never tell how the colour is going to look on me, and reds look *completely* different in various lighting situations, so you really have to test them out everywhere. *sigh* Someone please tell me not to give up?



  1. My current favorite reds are Essie Fishnet Stockings and BB Couture Lindsy's Spell.

    Both are jellies though, instead of a cream.

  2. Don't give up! I never wore a red (was scared of what they would look like on my red-toned fingers) until I you started posting about your hunt. You've totally inspired me though!! So far my favorite red is Essie Macks. Good luck!

  3. I really like the Forever Young on your hands over the Pouf Daddy -- I think the brighter red doesn't make your cuticle area look bluish. I don't wear red much -- I much prefer purples or blues, but maybe I oughta look more. Ciao!

  4. I like them all on you except Croc which is too dark and too brown. The OPI is a tad on the orange side. But I do like Daddy and Addiction on you.

  5. Have you ever tried Sinful Ruby Ruby? beautiful deep red jelly. I love it. And CHEAP!

  6. @Astex - So many people rave about Fishnet Stockings! It must be good!

    @Varnish Vixen - Aww I'm so glad I inspired someone else to look for red too! I'm glad you like Macks :)

    @Heather - Thank you!

    @jaljen - The last pic with Croc et al is NOT colour accurate at all - it was just to show you how much swatching I'm doing to find these reds. I'm actually wearing Croc right now and love it - colour accurate pics coming in the next Red Hunt post!

    @jbrobeck - I haven't tried it - I don't really like Sinful polishes at all. *hides* But it does look gorgeous - I do love me a jelly!


  7. Don't give up! You deserve to find your perfect soul-mate red :0)

  8. I really, really like Essie Jelly Apple! That's my go-to red. For what it's worth, I'm very pale with yellow overtones.

    I also really like American Apparel's Downtown LA, but they are also quite similar.

  9. Limited Addiction looks sooo good on you! I'm quite taken with it myself :)

    Have you tried Essie Lollipop yet? I looove that one, it's so nice on my pale skin. Fishnet Stockings, too!

  10. @Jenny - Thank you! I took a deep breath and I'm still trying!

    @Irides - Ahh thanks so much for telling me!! It's so helpful to hear recs from people who have similar skin tones!

    @Cookie - Thank you!! You don't think it's too stark?? I haven't tried Lollipop - it looked so bright to me that I got scared. And another vote for FS...that one seems so popular!


  11. Essie Pouf Daddy was my favorite on you. I cant wear straight red. Im more a pink girl.

  12. I love Pouf Daddy and Big Apple on you! Here are some of my FAVORITE reds:

    1) China Glaze "Red Pearl". My go-to red! A touch of shimmer and perfectly balanced, not too bright and kind of fiery and glowy.

    2) Eyeko "SAUCY" polish. Adorable bottle and a deep, perfect-for-fall red, it's also cool enough to wear in summer. Versatile.

    3) Orly "Poison Apple": great for summer, looks like candy!

    4) China Glaze "Thunderbird": a vampy version of Red Pearl

    and if you want a red with a little "oomph", try China Glaze Riveter Rouge or OPI Royal Rajah Ruby.

    Happy hunting! :)

  13. Out of the 4, I like Essie Limited Addiction better. Don't give up! You'll find the elusive red someday soon, I'm sure! ;)

  14. When you find it, your perfect red will be like that perfect black dress. Something you can always fall back on and know that it's gorgeous and classic on you.

  15. *waves* Hi! I really like Limited Addiction on you in the last pic, it really pops with your skintone.Have you tried any of the Chanel reds? They are generally really nice, although I don't own it (shock horror! A chanel I haven't got!) Lotus Rouge looks lovely. In my collection I have Fire which is a beautiful old Hollywood glamour type of red and Ruby slippers which is a glowy shimmery red that I love but HTF so I don't use it often!

    Good luck with the rest of the hunt! :)

  16. Why did Limited Addiction make it? I love that red on you. My go to red is Revlon Red. There's just something so perfect about that shade. It's a real old school shade. Been around forever. Hope you find one you love soon.

  17. I meant to ask why didn't Limited Addiction make it. I'm just slow today.

  18. @k2k no, not at all! but, I am a huge fan of the '40s style pigmented reds on pale skin, so maybe take that with a grain of salt :) But I think it looks gorgeous on you! and don't be afraid of the bright red! haha. I might just go put Lollipop on now, actually.

  19. @Happytpumpkin - I'm beginning to think I might not be able to handle straight red either!

    @Michellerox -Thanks for the recs!!! You are very sweet.

    @GabZ - Oi why does everyone like that one??? I seriously dislike it. Maybe I'm missing something?

    @Sandi- Yes. I need to keep telling myself that. Like a mantra.

    @Alison- Everyone seems to love LA but I hate it! I hate how it contrasts so much with my skin....I just tried Rouge Fatal thinking it was going to be perfect, but it was too dusty and brown :( It didnt look at all on me like it does on temptalia.

    @Lucy- I really don't like that pin-up cherry pop thing. I think it pops too much against my skin. Meh.


  20. Please please try Essie Lollipop! I never wear reds, as I think they are too bright and scary on my hands, but I LOVE Lollipop and wear it quite often!
