Thursday, April 11, 2013

1st Blogaversary! Minnie's Giveaway :)

Giveaway! To celebrate my 1st year at Polish or Perish and to show my appreciation :) Keeping in mind that I am but a student, the prizes aren't very imaginative, but this is the kind of gift I love the most (where I can personally pick, I love gift cards!) so it goes along with what I'd like either way! First, though, a small announcement:

And now the prizes... there are 3 prizes! Instead of doing one grand prize, I decided to go for 3 equal prizes of $25 from Llarowe. Since Llarowe ships internationally and this is in gift certificate form, this is open both domestically and internationally. I may add more later on, so keep tuned!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

End date to enter the giveaway will be May 16, the last day of my finals, and I will post winners on May 17!

Thank you for your support this past year and I hope to continue for many more :)

<3 minnie

Like this? Click below to let us know!


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Marias Nail Art said...

Thank you for hosting this giveaway!!
My favorite indie has to be Chick Polish even if I'm unsure it count as one...
PS it was not possible to enter my email....

Allyson said...

Ooooh... hard choice. I suppose my favorite indie is a toss-up between Girly Bits and Nail Pattern Boldness.

Unknown said...

Thank you!
rock-or-not (at) hotmail dot fr
My favourite indie brand is dollish polish!

Unknown said...

Happy Blogiversary! I hope you have many more.

Calypso Rae said...

Thank you for this wonderful giveaway! I love girly bits and dollish polish!!

Siobhana said...

Happy blogiversary.

Not sure if it counts as an "indie" anymore, but I love A England. For another it has to be Dollish Polish, purely due to the Big Bang Theory range!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Has to be Nail Pattern Boldness for me!

My email is

Toxic Vanity said...

Thank u for this amazing giveaway!
My favourite indie polish is Nostalgic Nail Lacquer - As If


Halifax @ Sparkled Beauty said...

I like Nerd Lacquer

Mycrazydesigns said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mycrazydesigns said...

Thanks for giveaway!!!

My favourite indie brand is Serum No5.

My email:


terry said...

Haven't tried any yet...!!

Unknown said...

Aphrodite is definitely my favorite indie!

Paint Those Piggies! said...

I have not tried an indies yet but I have a few coming in the mail :)

It wasn't possible to enter my email but here it is

smoore said...

i've never tried an indie!

Vi said...

Thanks for having this giveaway!

Piontkowa said...

Thank you for this amazing giveaway.

I have only one bottle of Pahlish and I love it :)

Andrea / My Liquid Jewels - Nail polish blog said...

I think my fav. brand is Darling Diva! If I HAVE to pick just one :P

Unknown said...

Congrats! My favorite indie? Can't choose! Mentality, Pahlish, and Lucky 13 Lacquer are all up there right now.

vivers007 said...

Thank you for the giveaway! I've never tried Llarowe polishes!

The Postcolonial Rabbit said...

What a lovely giveaway, I would spend $$$ on Llarowe if I could! I am quite new to the world of indie polishes but I love the glittery Girly Polishes I've bought!

Queenpushy said...

CrowsToes is my fav indie polish followed by Rainbow Honey, KB Shimmer, Palish, and Darling Diva. Love Emily de Molly and Glitzology and Enchanted Polish. Hey I love them all!!!!!!!!!!!

Polish Alcoholic said...

What a fab giveaway!

Carmen said...

Awesome giveaway! Not sure whether it can still be called indie, but I love A England polishes.
As I couldn't enter my email address above, I put it here: carmen.huck[at]

alison said...

My favorite indie right now is KBShimmer :D Thanks for the giveaway!

Neliz said...

Ooooh, LOVELY! <3 Of course I'll enter in this giveaway.

Monica at MP Beauty Insight said...

How nice of you!


Unknown said...

Being as I don't have any (yet) I'm going with Pretty Serious or piCture pOlish.

Naz said...

My favorite indie has to be HARE Polish. Consistently awesome!

miffy said...

Super giveaway!!!!!!!!!

Love your posts :)

miffy said...

Oops I forgot to say - my favourite Indie???? That is like choosing a favourite child!

OK Pahlish I guess. And Contrary and Smitten. And and and...

Gemma said...

That's a tricky one...either Girly Bits or Ninja Polishes have been doing. Thanks for the giveaway :)

Bobbi said...

Dollish Polish

UKNailRunner said...

Happy Blogaversary :D

Leisel said...

Enchanted Polish.

UKNailRunner said...

oops - forgot to say my favourite - Elevation Polish!

Jae Dee said...

There are so many awesome indie brands out there, it's hard to pick. But of the brands that I own, I really love my Dollish Polishes.

Silva said...

My favourite indie...would be WingDust! Such pretty colors...

tink said...

such a hard choice! it's a toss up between polish revolution & crowstoes for me.

windycindy said...

"Love Notes" is my favorite!
Many thanks, Cindi

Melissa said...

Thank you for the giveaway! I've only tried two indie brands, KBShimmer and Pretty & Polished. I love them both but KBShimmer is probably my favorite.

MrsBaloui said...

I'm not yet a happy Indie owner - I cannot choose the best (they're all so gorgeous), and having only a small amount of money to spend on "beauty equipment", I need to be very picky - If you get the idea ;-)

I've looked at - and price money might be used on "CrowsToes - Her Goose Got Cooked" or one of the Dollish Polish "Big Bang Theory Collection" (I loooove BBT *LOL*)

Thanks for inspiring me to remember, that beautiful nails is a girls best business card <3

Samarium said...

Nerd Lacquer and Jindie Nails!

janneyt said...

love girly bits

Rach said...

Happy blogaversary!

My favorite indie right now is HARE polish, but I'd love to try Pahlish, too. :)

YennySweeps said...

Nail Pattern Boldness

shuzluva said...

I HAVE to choose? :D Ok, if I had to pick just one, it would be Picture Polish. The colors are just so delicious!

Gwendellyn said...

Hmmm, tough question! I adore my bottle of Expecto Patronum from Dollish Polish, but I think I have the most from AEngland, so I have to call it a tie :)

Steph S said...

My favorite indie brand is Hare

Snookie Wegner said...

Happy Bloggiversary! And thank you for the giveaway. My favourite indie brand is KBShimmer; I don't think one of their polishes has been a dud. (^_^)

koroshiya said...

happy blogiversary!

koroshiya said...

and my favorite indie right now is smitten polish. it changes with the day, though. heh.

Andrea said...

Happy bloggiversary!

Sarah J. said...

Happy blogversary ^^

Unfortunately I have to say that I don't own any indie polishes, so I can't say which one is my favorite. All I know is that I am craving for "Lush Laquers"


jordanrae said...

happy 1 year! so far my favorite indie is enchanted polish bonjour paris :)

Unknown said...

I love Dollish Polish! (And this giveaway! How exciting!)

Sincerely Stephanie said...

I love Pretty and Polished the most!

Christiana said...

Nerd Lacquer and Lush Lacquer are my two favorites.

mariaa said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway! My favorite indie is Hare. :)

Hannah said...

I love KBShimmer!

Melia said...

My favourite is Pretty Serious...

Unknown said...

I've only tried a couple, but so far my favorite is Girly Bits.

Alaina said...

I haven't tried any yet, actually.. So many of them are glitters and I don't like wearing glitter! There do seem to be more pretty shimmers and holos now though. :)

Jammies said...

Thanks for the generous giveaway and a year of great posts! My fave indie is DifferentDimension. :)

hopeniks said...

Congrats on your 1st blogaversary! Thank you this giveaway and a wonderful year of blogging.

Mad Amy Ttik said...

Congrats on your 1 year!
My favorite Indie is Crowstoes!

Rachel Miller said...

Oh wow...that's a tough one! Umm...I think it would have to be, at the moment, CrowsToes Blue Christmas. :)

Eleobel said...

My favourite indie is CrowsToes Maxxed Out!! :D

Mistaken29 said...

CrowsToes Heartless!

Amy Griffin said...

My favorite indie brand is Nail'd It, even though I haven't bought any I love their glitters!

rowlkitty said...

Llarowe is an awesome prize. Gives people a chance to buy the polishes you guys show.

cin0287 said...

I would have to say Hare is my favorite indie.

unicorngirl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
unicorngirl said...

Thanks a lot for hosting the giveaway! I love Llarowe, it's the only place I can find some int'l polishes. My fav indy so far is Cirque, but not sure if they count as "indy" <:/ so also going with Contrary Polish :)

otherwhitney said...

Pretty and Polished!

Anonymous said...

KBShimmer. :)

TropicalChrome said...

I haven't tried a lot of indies, but the Girly Bits polishes I have are very nice!

Unknown said...

I like LynBDesigns

Anonymous said...

I love Darling Diva :D

Congratulations on the anniversary!!! Thank you for this giveaway!!

vmatz said...

I'm sure I'm in the minority but I actually don't care for indies. I feel like they're all just variations on a theme (glitter bombs) and I'm not a huge fan of glitter bombs in general.
That being said, and I'm not sure these count as indie, I think cirque and picture polish have some absolutely BEAUTIFUL shades.

thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Sorry but I can't just choose one! A-England, Mentality and Nailnation is my top 3 at the moment!

NailsIT said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
Happy Blogiversary!!!

I love Pahlish, Girly Bits, Smitten and A England, just to name a few ;)

Thanks again!!!

maetea. said...

Thank you for having this giveaway! I love all of your nail pictures! I love Pahlish & KBShimmer & more!

auroragyps said...

I guess Cult would be my favorite indie polish company, since it's the only one I've tried and I did like most of the polish I got from them.

Pamlati said...

Happy Blog Anniversary! OMGH! YAY! & I like Tilly Nail Polish.
Xo Pam

Crystal said...

okay I am going to be totally honest here, out of my nailpolish stash which counts approx 700 bottles,( I have built that collection over the last 15 years) have zero indie polishes...time to give them a try I guess?

Nailant said...

Happy blogaversary!

I love indies, and if I have to highlight a few (can't do just one, sorry) it'd be Elevation, Enchanted, Girly Bits, Dollish Polish and Foxy Paws/WellNails :D

Kimberley said...

I love A England's holos.

Polish and Prejudice said...

Thanks so much for hosting this giveaway! I only have 3 indie polish brands in my stash so far and have only tried two of those brands, so I'd say that my favourite indies are A England so far; as well as Cult Nails Wicked Fast top coat!

Aurélie said...

Hummm... hard to tell, I would say Jindie Nails

Deborah said...

I only own one Indie so I guess my favorite is Love Land Nail Paint :-)

Unknown said...

I'm an indie polish virgin! ;-)

maiju.m said...

HARE Polish

Anonymous said...

I don't have a lot of indies! Congrats on your blogaversary!!!

milktea said...

I love a-england if that counts as an indie brand. Otherwise, I really love looking (don't own any) at Contrary Polish's handmade polishes on the web.

Anonymous said...

I've heard about a lot of indies, but I haven't personally experienced any myself!

LitLaur said...

Happy Blogiversary! It's hard to pick my favorite indie brand, but if I had to, I'd say Enchanted Polish.

Unknown said...

My faves are KB Shimmer and Pahlish, but there are so many awesome ones that I love out there and I'm sure many more I dont know about!

thanks for the giveaway :)

Unknown said...

I love all Llaroew lines!

Natalie said...

Contrary Polish!

Unknown said...

Happy blogaversary!

Amanda said...

I LOVE indie polishes so its really hard to choose a favorite, but I really like Lacquistry and Elevation...Thanks for the giveaway!!

Colleen Boudreau said...

I don't have a favorite indie.

SusieL said...

The only indie I've tried is Cult Nails - great polish! I'd love to try one of the indies that Llarowe carries. Thanks for the giveaway!

rachlovespenguins said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm not sure I can choose a favourite, but being a huge Doctor Who fan I'm really enamoured with some of the Nerd Lacquer shades. :)

Ahateumezalea said...

Love the blog!

And I also like Nerd Lacquer.

Anonymous said...

Lynnderellas :)

LilyBiscuit said...

I love Enchanted Polish Magical Mystery Tour. Happy 1st anniversary!!
vac 924 at gmail dot com

stefsh01 said...

Happy Anniversary! my favorite indie is Pahlish but there are so many more I LOVE!

Squeaky Nails said...

I love Hare polishes!

Unknown said...

Hare... Smitten... Aphrodite.. can't decide ahh!

triceratops said...

Haha that's so hard! My favourite indie brands are Girly Bits, KBShimmer, and NerdLacquer. I couldn't pick a favourite indie polish, though!

Sara said...

Hare Polish, hands down. Never been disappointed with a bottle from Hare!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Love your blog! And great great giveaway. How do I choose a favorite Indie? I just made a purchase at KB Shimmer, so today I guess it is KB Shimmer.

Unknown said...

Picture Polish

Unknown said...

I've never tried an indie but I am just dying to try one

Unknown said...


Christina said...

Haven't tried any indie polishes yet since I'm fairly new to nail polish. Happy Blogiversary!

Diane M said...

I love Pretty & Polished

Sara said...

It was Sparkles by Julie but she just closed down. I've been quite taken with Enchanted lately.

Ceece said...

Lush lacquer!!!

Caro Shu said...

Girly bits! Thank you for the great giveaway!

Unknown said...

I love Jindie Nails and Ninja Polish!

Thanks for a great giveaway!

Melody said...

Cult Nails.


Katie said...

I love A England. The colors are so beautiful!

lilacsrip said...

My favorite indies are Smitten Polish and Hare Polish!

Jiin-Yu said...

I don't have any, but I've been really intrigued by Picture Polish! Thanks for a great giveaway!

Malin said...

I am hopelessly in love with Lynnderella, they are hard to get over the ocean though!

Kat said...

My favorite indie at the moment is Candeo Colors Deep Space. It lasted a whole week on my nails without chips, and I work in a preschool .. so you can only imagine the kind of wear and tear it stood up to.

Unknown said...

I don't own any indies yet! I have my eye on a lot of them though.

Unknown said...

NerdLacquer is definitely one of my favorites. Enchanted Polish is up there as well. xD

Of those two brands my favorite colors are Octopus' Garden by Enchanted and Decidedly Unlike Tea by Nerd.

Emily said...

I'm really new to this, but A-England has such beautiful colors.

XINYU♥ said...

Thanks for the giveaway chance!

Wow hard to pick.. Gloss n Sparkle, Femme Fatale Cosmetics and NerdLacquer are among my favourites (: dying to get my hands on their creations!

Priscilla S. said...

Thanks for giveaway! My favorite indie brand is Contrary Polish.

Unknown said...

My favorite indie... I think if you twisted my arm to pick just one, it'd be Pretty & Polished!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the blogaversary! And thanks for hosting this giveaway. :)

FedoraHarp said...

Oh gosh, I don't know if I can choose a single brand as my favorite indie! Off the top of my head maybe Enchanted Polish, since I think they have the most polishes that I want to buy (in other words, every single one of them).

Ida Rose said...

Wonderful giveaway! Congrats and thank you very much!

Pearl Lee said...

I love Happy Hands' Motherboy. Chockful of pastel satin glitters in green, aqua, baby blue, pink, and lavender and it's perfect over any color :]

Unknown said...

Although I don't own any indie polishes right now, if I had to jump on the bandwagon, I would choose Lynnderellas!

Nails and a Westie said...

It's so hard to choose just 1 fave indie, but.. mine would have to be D & R Apothecary. I own like 40 of her polishes (but to be fair most of them are minis)! Thanks for having this excellent giveaway!! :)

Holly said...

My favorite indie is Dollish Polish Expecto Patronum. :)

Brooke said...

My favorite indie brand is probably either A England or piCture pOlish =)

The Lacquer Tracker said...

Other than my own indie brand (Pirate Polish), I'd have to say Nerd Lacquer and Dollish Polish- those were the very first indies I ordered, and I immediately fell in love. They also inspired me to start making my own lacquers!

Brouillon de fille said...

Lush Lacquer is my fave. Thanks!

Refined and Polished said...

KBShimmer is my fav. Thanks for the opportunity!

S said...

I think Rainbow Honey is my favorite indie brand. :)

d said...

My favorite indie is Pahlish

Unknown said...

I love Literary Lacquers. Hope to wins that LLAROWE gift certificate

Sensible Nails said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sensible Nails said...

Favorite indie brand is Picture Polish!

ellagee said...

You'd know I was lying if I didn't say my own brand, ellagee :)
Thanks for having such a great giveaway!

Grace said...

Great giveaway! I'm always disappointed when I get excited for a giveaway then find out at the bottom it's not open internationally, so thank you! My favorite indie brand of polish is always changing but right now it's probably jindie nails.

KE said...

My favorite is Enchanted Polish, when I can get my hands on it!

Kari said...

It is hard to pick but I love A England's! Their formula is amazing every time!

Patricia Faria said...

Happy blog Anniversary! :D

My favorite indie is Cult Nails!

Art & Soul said...

I have never tried an indie polish before...

joanna_lacivita said...

not sure if either of these would count, but my fave "indies" are probably cult nails or picture polish!

Vedrana said...

I don't have much experience with indie polishes, but from what I had a chance to try, my favourite is NailsIT.

blew415 said...

Dollish expecto!

lynn said...

my fav is A England!

kmeyers101 said...

I love Crows Toes and Girly Bits!

Kait said...

Enchanted Polish or Pretty and Polished.

Unknown said...

I've never tried an indie polish.

MesiaszCiszy Nail Art said...

Indie polish ? Unfortunately, I do not have ... but i like polish inglot and wibo , golder rose Poland brand :)

Stephanie'sAwesome said...

Thanks for such a great giveaway! I love Girly Bits, woot woot for fellow Canadians! LOL
Thanks again :D

Stephanie'sAwesome said...

Thanks for such a great giveaway! I love Girly Bits, woot woot for fellow Canadians! LOL
Thanks again :D

Stephanie'sAwesome said...

Thanks for such a great giveaway! I love Girly Bits, woot woot for fellow Canadians! LOL
Thanks again :D

Stephanie'sAwesome said...

Thanks for such a great giveaway! I love Girly Bits, woot woot for fellow Canadians! LOL
Thanks again :D

Stephanie'sAwesome said...

Thanks for such a great giveaway! I love Girly Bits, woot woot for fellow Canadians! LOL
Thanks again :D

Stephanie'sAwesome said...

Thanks for such a great giveaway! I love Girly Bits, woot woot for fellow Canadians! LOL
Thanks again :D

Stephanie'sAwesome said...

Thanks for such a great giveaway! I love Girly Bits, woot woot for fellow Canadians! LOL
Thanks again :D

Stephanie'sAwesome said...

Thanks for such a great giveaway! I love Girly Bits, woot woot for fellow Canadians! LOL
Thanks again :D

Amanda said...

What a great giveaway! I've been eyeing Picture Polish's Starry Night for a while... so pretty!

Cherie M said...

Dolish Polish.

Hoot aka Jessy said...

I fell in love with Candy Lacquer "Sugar Flowers"!

Laura said...

Good luck everyone!

Lizajane1776 said...

Either Darling Diva Polish or Vivid Lacquer.
Thanks for this giveaway!

nirfreak03 said...

thanks for the giveaway!

whimsical ideas by pam, or enchanted polish

Sara said...

My favorite indie is Liquid Lacquer!

Liz Nelson said...

I've never tried an indie polish, but if I win a giftcard, I'm totally excited to start exploring!

Nat Wright said...

awesome giveaway, thanks guys!

Julie said...

Thanks for the giveaway! My favorite indie is A England

Unknown said...

My favorite indie is Cirque, I love the colors! Thank you so much for this amazing giveaway!

ColorMeSoCrazy said...

Jindies right now!!!

Laura H said...

Thanks for such a great giveaway!

I've only tried 2 indies so far- Hare and kb shimmer. I love them both. My bank account is not happy that I've caught the bug...

M said...

Oof hard question! I probably have the most bottles be Palish, though I love the ones I have from Lush Lacquer, too!

Vedra said...

I especially like A-England (holos!), though I'm not sure if they even count as indie - the glitter concoctions of true indie brands very rarely catch my interest, gotta be a stellar combo ;)

jeebjeeb said...

It's a toss up between Enchanted Polish and Pretty & Polished.

Katie said...

I love A England!

Anonymous said...

I love lush lacquer and KB nails

Ruth said...

Candeo Colors

Sarah Vaughn said...

I only have a few indies, so I don't really have a favorite... A lot of them are really beautiful though.

Em said...

My favourite indie.. that's a hard one! I'd probably have to say HARE polish.

Miskate said...

I think my fave is Lucky 13 Lacquer! It's so hard to pick though!

Jill said...

I haven't tried Jinsoon, but really want to, is that an indie polish? :)

Unknown said...

My favourite indie would be A-England...unfortunately they don't have free worldwide shipping anymore. :(

Olga said...

I have never tried any indie polishes yet!

autoxchica said...


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