Monday, February 28, 2011
Eight hours til the end of the Inque nail design contest! And some KleanColor bottle pics. :)
OPI Red Hot Glam is Red.
Here's OPI's Red Hot Glam, a limited edition OPI sold at Beauty Brands.

And that's about all I've got.
Happy day, all!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
China Glaze Lighthouse and White Cap (Anchors Away, Spring 2011)
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Urban Ballerina - $OPI Shiny Dancer

Friday, February 25, 2011
China Glaze Knotty & Pelican Gray (Anchors Away, Spring 2011)
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Ulta Little Black Dress

I cannot BELIEVE that I have neglected to post Ulta Little Black Dress until now! LBD is one of my favorites of all time, and I do not say that lightly. It's a two-coat black with a smattering of silver glimmer that gives it that WOW factor when it hits the light. It's edgy yet elegant and a dream to apply. I seriously cannot say enough about this incredible polish.
Do you own LBD? Are you as in love with it as I am?
Happy day, all!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Done Out In Deco Dilemma

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Zoya Dove & Dannii (Intimate, Spring 2011)
Monday, February 21, 2011
Zoya Gemma & Jules (Intimate, Spring 2011)
Sunday, February 20, 2011
OPI Black Shatter

AND I DON'T CARE! It's awesome, it's awesome, it's awesome and I LOVE IT!
Shown here is Black Shatter over China Glaze Millennium and it is AMAZING! I taught a ceramics class the day after I applied this lovely combo and at one point I had to stop the critique because too many students WERE DISTRACTED BY THE AWESOMENESS ON MY NAILS. True story.
... and talk about a dream to remove! Presto and it was gone!
Happy day, all!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
A Red Re-visited - Essie Limited Addiction

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Zoya Kelly

Kelly went on flawlessly with two coats and I am never let down by the Zoya brush! Sometimes their formula is different from their other shades, but for the most part I never have a problem controlling it with this brush. :)
Anyone else have an overwhelming amount of grays or grayed out shades?
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
CND Sparkle Effects - Raspberry and Sapphire
Here is Sapphire Sparkle:

And Raspberry Sparkle:

Both are absolutely MAGIC over Ulta Wild Night, a lovely dark navy shimmer. These Sparkles are unbelievably capable of transforming a polish; the Sapphire Sparkle coats your polish in a dusting of bright blue shimmer and the Raspberry Sparkle gives it a light coat of pink shimmer. I am amazed by how different your base color looks when topped with what appears to be a simple top coat but is in reality a game changer.
I find myself thinking about interesting color combos with these Sparkle Effects - yellow base color with blue, orange with pink... the possibilities are ENDLESS!
Happy day, all!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Cutesy Valentines Mani!

Sunday, February 13, 2011
An Apology and a Wild Night
I've been really absent of late when it comes to posting, specifically when it comes to responding to comments, and for that I am incredibly sorry. Time has been of the essence lately (isn't it always? I petition for four more hours a day, is anyone with me?) and though I value all of you so much, I really have had a hard time posting let alone responding to all of your comments. I faithfully read all of your statements at the end of my posts, I just don't seem to be able to devote the time to responding all of the time. I promise to attempt to be better about this in the future and if I fail at this, please know that I do value everything you say and I love reading your responses!
That being said, please allow me the pleasure of taking you all for a run with a Wild Night -

Ulta's Wild Night, of course! (I'd love to also take you out for a wild night filled with nachos and margaritas, but I don't think we are geographically blessed enough for that to happen!)
Wild Night is a deep, moody navy blue with an incredibly lovely blue shimmer throughout. It's definitely a cool-toned blue vamp, and I loved every stroke of this one. The application was flawless - two coats and not a stroke to be seen. This one also works as a lovely layering polish, which you'll see in my next post (hint, hint).
I've said it before and I'll say it again - Ulta has seriously won my heart with their polishes. My only complaint is that I've purchased all of their funky colors. Let's work on this, Ulta! Throw me some crazies!
Happy day, all!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Zoya Caitlin & Marley (Intimate, Spring 2011): a return to swatching
Friday, February 11, 2011
Stick It On! - Sally Hansen Nail Effects in Cut It Out

Wednesday, February 9, 2011
*Insert "getting shellacked" joke here*
I'm going to be honest - I am not a nail salon kind of girl. With a passion for polish like mine you'd think that I would love those havens of hand massages and racks of color, but alas, no. Instead of being a treat, I tend to associate those places with strangely shaped nails and gooey polish and I rely on my own at-home manicures which I think are very nice, thankyouverymuch. Also, I like to humor myself and think that I am saving myself money by staying out of the salon, which then means I can buy more polish. It's a viscous cycle.
So anyway, enter the CND Shellac. I couldn't do it myself, so I found myself in a shwanky salon with incredibly comfortable chairs and lovely workers that kept offering me water. You know how it works, so I'll just show you the fairly awful photo that I took a few days after my manicure. Here's my CND Fedora manicure -

I know, bad photo, right? Right after I received my manicure, I left for an artist residency and proceeded to beat the hell out of it for a week and only stopped to take a photo after several days of work, so I apologize for the crapola image. Here are my thoughts on the Shellac in no particular order:
- I got a hell of an awesome manicure, I have to admit. I don't know if it was because the manicurist had to be trained to a certain degree in order to be able to do my mani or what, but it was killer. Nice job, Mandy!
- The color selection was totally limited - I know, old news. Here's the thing, though - CND is all about claiming that you can layer colors to make bold and bright versions, right? Yeah, not so much. When I popped this idea on Mandy, she made me a little sample of the colors I wanted (Fedora with a coat of Tutti Frutti in order to get a shocking blue) and what came out was a color that looked like brown with a coat of pink on it. I ended up just opting for Fedora.
- The wear was pretty darn good, because I was not being coy when I said I beat the hell out of it. We're talking hands-in-water-for-hours followed by lots of picking at stickers and occasional power tools. HELL.
- shiny, shiny shiny! This polish retained its shiny quality until the moment I took it off.
Speaking of taking it off, I'll be honest - I peeled it off. And I enjoyed it. My nails may not have enjoyed it, but I did.
In conclusion - good manicure, shiny, expensive, didn't wear as long as I would have liked it to. I'll pass on the Shellac for now and opt for stickers until I desperately need a manicure AND they come out with more colors. The end.
Happy day, all!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Drugstore Hunting - Essie Mochacino

Monday, February 7, 2011
Inque Nails Design Contest! DEADLINE EXTENDED TO 11:59PM PST, FEBRUARY 28th!
- This contest is open to all readers of the blog, from anywhere.
- CONTEST HAS BEEN EXTENDED: it now ends on Monday, February 25th at 11:59pm PST (2:59am EST).
- Your nail sticker design collection MUST contain at least 5 unique designs but no more than 20.
- Readers may submit up to TWO collections
- Submissions should be sent to polishorperish @ with the subject line: "INQUE CONTEST". Include your name (or what you want to be known as).
- If your design is a pattern that is the same -- or virtually the same -- on both hands, you only have to take a screenshot of one of the hands AND a close up of a couple of the nails. It is assumed that both hands will feature the same pattern (i.e. the pattern for the right hand will be the same for the left hand).
- If your design uses images or some other obviously non-repeating pattern (i.e. the nails are not all the same), please submit screenshots of BOTH hands, and close-ups of all the individual nails.
A set of nails from one hand.
If you are submitting a design that involves different images on every single nail, you must submit:
Screenshots of BOTH hands.
For images that do not have a repeating pattern (but the nails look fairly similar to each other) and will be the same for the right and left hands, you only have to submit:
- Every nail design submission in a collection must be represented by a screenshot of at least one hand of nails and one close-up of at least two or three of the nails.
- The more variation there is in your design, the more screenshots you will need.
- When in doubt, take as many screenshots as you need to fully show off your talent! :D
1) Use background images
a. If you are a designer, it is good to have a background texture with a primary image on the nail pattern.
i. The primary image can have a transparent background allowing the wallpaper image to fill the rest of the nails
2) Use different patterns on different nails.
a. Our system supports this, but most of our designs don’t use this feature, I think it is cool when they are different
3) Resolution size. Images should be about 200-300 pixels wide to print clearly across the width of the nail. The length of image (height) should be about double that because most of the nails are rectangle (taller than they are wide)
4) Keep in mind that the primary image on the nail bed should be placed low on the cuticle. This is because most of the nail strip may get filed or cut off when it is placed on the nail.
5) French type designs may not fit right on the nail. They are neat, and we like these, but keep in mind to design them so that about half the nail is covered by the tip. This is because the strip gets cut off. Doing a small tip can be problematic.
6) Some unique (image) designs are good, but patterns are big sellers.
a. Most people buy patterns, however, we do have some images that sell. We like a good balance of both types.
Happy designing, everyone! I am SO excited to see what y'all come up with. :D
(Remember: contest closes Monday, February 28th at 11:59pm PST!)
And please tell anyone else that might be interested in doing this! There are no extra rewards for passing along the news but we at the blog would be very grateful. :)